
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: von Mises, Ludwig

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An “anti-something” movement displays a purely negative attitude. It has no chance whatever to succeed. Its passionate diatribes virtually advertise the program that they attack. People must fight for something that they want to achieve, not simply reject an evil, however bad it may be.
Ludwig von Mises
The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality

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(Added by Peter Skup on 1/31/2005, 11:59am)
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Man's eminence is to be seen in the fact that he chooses between alternatives. He regulates his behavior deliberately. He can master his impulses and desires; he has the power to suppress wishes, the satisfaction of which would force him to renounce the attainment of more important goals. In short: man acts; he purposively aims at ends chosen. This is what we have in mind in stating that man is a moral person, responsible for his conduct.
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by Bob Palin on 1/24/2005, 5:43pm)
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Science never tells a man how he should act; it merely shows how a man must act if he wants to attain definite ends.
Ludwig von Mises
Human Action, p. 10

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(Added by Joe Trusnik on 5/23/2004, 3:25pm)
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Manufacturing and commercial monopolies owe their origin not to a tendency imminent in a capitalist economy but to governmental interventionist policy directed against free trade and laissez faire.
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/16/2004, 9:07pm)
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Government cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer.
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/16/2004, 8:57pm)
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The main political problem is how to prevent the police power from becoming tyrannical. This is the meaning of all the struggles for liberty.
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/14/2004, 12:12pm)
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The first step which led from the soldiers' war back to total war was the introduction of compulsory military service.... The war was no longer to be only a matter of mercenaries--it was to include everyone who had the necessary physical ability.... But when it is realized that a part of the able-bodied must be used on the industrial front...then there is no reason to differentiate in compulsory service between the able-bodied and the physically unfit. Compulsory military service thus leads to compulsory labor service of all citizens who are able to work, male and female.
Ludwig von Mises
Interventionism: An Economic Analysis

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/10/2004, 3:54pm)
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…all restrictive measures are fundamentally expenditures. They diminish the supply of productive means available for the supply of other goods.
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/10/2004, 3:51pm)
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The criterion of truth is that it works even if nobody is prepared to acknowledge it.
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by G. Stolyarov II on 4/09/2004, 8:24pm)
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...the socialist idea is nothing but a grandiose rationalization of petty resentments
Ludwig von Mises

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(Added by Ross Elliot on 2/27/2004, 4:53pm)
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