
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Hibbert, Paul

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What I think is going on, at least in part, with the Palin phenomenon is that a large portion of the population is fed up to the teeth with political correctness and Nanny regulations. These go from helmet laws to trans-fat bans to global warming hysteria and spotted owl environmentalists and everything in between. So when it is said that her goal in life is to kill caribou it's a throw-it-in-your-face cry of 'enough already' to the latte-sipping solipsistic city-dwelling sissies who don't know how to do anything practical. Many of rural Americans do know how to change their own oil, shoot varmints, cook an apple pie and build a fence and they're finally having their say.
Paul Hibbert

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(Added by Ted Keer on 9/06/2008, 4:20pm)
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Where's the challenge in living life with a safety net?
Paul Hibbert
Excerpted from a dialogue with himself.

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(Added by Sam Erica on 7/29/2004, 4:42pm)
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