
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Lamont, Glenn

Sanctions: 10Sanctions: 10Sanctions: 10
It’s man’s nature to adapt the “standard” or the “regular”, the “natural” for his own gain and happiness. He can take the unexceptional or the average and enhance it to make his life better. Observe how animals mate. It’s functional and quite unexceptional. Observe how humans are capable of making love. It can be a complex, nuanced, conceptual, sublime experience, incorporating the sophisticated “ritual” of courting, romancing, flirting, ad then kissing, foreplay, etc. None of these were intended by nature, these are man’s creations, transforming a functional act of procreation into something much greater.
Glenn Lamont

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(Added by Ashley Frazier on 9/12/2004, 5:38pm)
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Politeness is not necessarily indicative of virtue.
Glenn Lamont
"Conspiracy review", SOLOHQ website

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(Added by Orion Reasoner on 8/06/2004, 9:32am)
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