"If the truth about a person's own agenda is unpleasant and toxic to them and everyone else, then it makes no real sense for any of us to suffer through that in silence like a good boy, so that the damaging parties can continue on their merry ways, with no feedback discomfort while they try to guilt others into doing so. They should have a mirror held up to themselves, so that they have to face their true ugliness and destructiveness. It's called "a-c-c-o-u-n-t-a-b-i-l-i-t-y", and all people of quality choose it as a course of life" Orion Reasoner SOLO

The MUSLIMS are actually KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE all over the WORLD, and I'm not! Why the Hell aren't THEY being called "genocidists", but I am?! Orion Reasoner