
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Bidinotto, Robert James

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If one views ethics as a life compass, as I do, then what does it mean to guide one's life "perfectly"? Is the goal of a sailor to "perfectly" follow a compass heading in a perfectly straight line -- or is it to get to his destination, learning and adjusting as he goes, using his knowledge and skills to the best of his ability?
Robert James Bidinotto
The Passion of Barbara Branden

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(Added by Ted Keer on 12/15/2008, 8:57pm)
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... you can't allow "market competition" over the very definitions and meanings of such basic legal principles as "justice," "rights," "aggression," "self-defense," etc.
Robert James Bidinotto
From "Contra Anarchism, Part III," in discussing the social need for government and law.

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(Added by Michael Stuart Kelly on 5/04/2005, 11:41am)
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"Problems loom large, when men don't." (Quoted in Reader's Digest)
Robert James Bidinotto
Robert James Bidinotto

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(Added by Robert Bidinotto on 3/08/2005, 8:52am)
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