
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Gibran, Kahil

When I wrote on my door: "Leave your traditions outside, Before you come in," Not a soul dared To visit me or open my door.
Kahil Gibran
Spiritual Sayings of Kahlil Gibran - Lib of Congress catalogue card no.: 62-19768

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(Added by James Taylor on 12/15/2005, 6:35pm)
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He brings disaster upon his nation who never sows a seed, or lays a brick, or weaves a garment, but makes politics his occupation.
Kahil Gibran
Spiritual Sayings of Kahlil Gibran - LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGUE CARD NO.: 62-19768

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(Added by James Taylor on 12/14/2005, 1:10pm)
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"Your daily life is your temple and your religion."
Kahil Gibran

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(Added by Deleted on 4/03/2005, 7:45pm)
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