Respected Objectivists, I warn you, due to my admiration for your integrity and moral standards, not to fall into the intellectual trap that is SoloHQ, populated not by Objectivists but by post-modern nihilists/hedonists in Objectivist guise.  G. Stolyarov II Email to Chicago Objectivist Group 05/30/05

"My article suggests that a third state, “futuristic certainty,” exists, which is fundamentally far more akin to actuality than potentiality." G. Stolyarov II http://www.solohq.com/Forum/Dissent/0009.shtml#0

"Our civilization is perishing from an orgy of false laughter." G. Stolyarov II

The rational argumentator will tolerate dissent and divergence from his position, though he will still seek to actively engage it; he will never ostracize another individual from his company for the mere fact of such dissent.  G. Stolyarov II The Mark of the Fanatic http://www.geocities.com/rational_argumentator/fanatic.html

"I am the Howard Roark of writing." G. Stolyarov II SOLOHQ Forum

Conformity is deformity. G. Stolyarov II

We are ahead of our time, and, hopefully, we have all our time ahead of us. G. Stolyarov II Remark to a Fellow Advocate of Immortality

However skilled one may be professionally, his abilities amount to nothing when he surrenders the ultimate sovereignty of deciding matters for himself and charting his own course in life. He merely becomes a vessel for others to fill, or a robot to pander to others’ whims at first command. G. Stolyarov II

Rather than attempting to regulate people, the government should declare a moratorium on rain. I promise that it will be just as effective as any other policy the government is currently undertaking. G. Stolyarov II

In 18th century England I would have been a Whig, in 19th century England—a Tory. In 19th century America I would have been a Democrat, in 20th century America— a Republican. In the 21st century I hesitate to associate myself with any of these names, as they have increasingly come to be synonymous with a single term: Socialism. G. Stolyarov II

The term 'universe' is a mere collective designation for all the data of existence. While particular men, planets, celestial objects, even galaxies, have been born and have died throughout time, the stage for their being, three-dimensional Euclidean space, has remained in existence infinities back. G. Stolyarov II

Just as a man who will eat anything so long as and only if it is green will fail to differentiate lettuce from poison ivy, so will the traditionalist fail to separate good from evil. G. Stolyarov II Hazing, Collectivism, and Traditionalism

Ecology is to biology what astrology is to astronomy. G. Stolyarov II

An intellectual who scorns politics is like a mathematician who scorns numbers. He does not count. G. Stolyarov II

The government under laissez-faire is lazy, but fair. G. Stolyarov II