If your life is built on pessimism, you are not an Objectivist. If you hold the majority of humanity in contempt, you are not an Objectivist. If you have become so jaded that your sanction of a person or concept requires perfection, you are not an Objectivist. George Cordero

Everything has a price; there are no free rides. The price you pay for participating in a larger society of intelligent and passionate people is the intensity and passion of their flaws. George Cordero from Solo article, "A Letter to Cassandra," November 7, 2004

My beloved nation is filled with flaws, errors and outright stupidities, and I will always strive against those. But Ed, there is no equivalency between the flawed West, and the primitive tyrannies; it's not close, it’s not even in the same fucking ballpark. Stop providing the moral sanction that the low life cowards and anti-Americans of LewRockwell and others use. They are beneath contempt, and to treat them with anything other than total contempt, is a betrayal of the good.  George Cordero To a Saddamite, 'Who's Better Off?' thread, April 11, 2005