...those who are guilty of such sweeping criticisms [of the rich] do not know how many people would be made poor, and how much sufering would result, if wealthy people were to part all at once with any large proportion of their wealth in a way to disorganize and cripple great business enterprises. Booker T. Washington

No race that has anything to contribute to the markets of the world is long in any degree ostracized. Booker T. Washington

I have never had much patience with the multitudes of people who are always ready to explain why one cannot succeed. I have always had high regard for the man who could tell me how to succeed. Booker T. Washington

. . . we shall make a fatal error if we yield to the temptation of believing that mere opposition to our wrongs, and the simple utterance of complaint, will take the place of progressive, constructive action, which must constitute the bedrock of all true civilization . . . Booker T. Washington

. . . whenever people act upon the idea that the disadvantage of one man is the good of another, there slavery exists. Booker T. Washington