
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Paglia, Camille

Sanctions: 15Sanctions: 15Sanctions: 15
I have been on the record since the 1990s as strongly opposing hate crimes legislation. I think it is a totalitarian intrusion into citizens' thought processes. Government functionaries should not be ceded the dangerous authority to make decisions about motivation. They aren't novelists, psychologists or sibyls! Furthermore, there should be no special privileged class of protected groups in a democracy. A crime is a crime -- period.
Camille Paglia
Camille Paglia at Salon

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(Added by Ted Keer on 7/08/2009, 7:26am)
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Atheism alone is a rotting corpse. I substitute art and nature for God -- the grandeur of man and the vast mystery of the universe.
Camille Paglia

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(Added by Ted Keer on 5/27/2008, 7:44pm)
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Hey, fellas: there's something out there that electrocutes people on beaches, collapses buildings like cardboard, and drowns ships and villages. It's called nature. The next time the western horizon flames with crimson, remember that this is what Foucault never saw. Foucault was struck down by the elemental force he repressed and edited out of his system. Science, disdained by Foucaldians, is our only hope for controlling the retrovirus and marauding infections of AIDS. Science and society are our frail barriers against the turbulence of cruel, indifferent nature.
Camille Paglia
from the essay "Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders," in her book Sex, Art, and American Culture.

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(Added by Deleted on 8/08/2005, 9:51pm)
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Humorlessness should be grounds for dismissal.
Camille Paglia
"Junk Bond & Corporate Raiders," on her remedy to reform academe

Discuss this Education Quote (3 messages)
(Added by Alec Mouhibian on 5/04/2005, 2:00pm)
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