"Stop mixing crap and chocolate. The mix always tastes like crap." Ross Jeffries

The substitute for fear is not confidence. It's compassion for yourself and others. Ross Jeffries

A 'nice' man only knows how to be agreeable. He doesn't know how to challenge women and he can't or won't set the lead. And he filters everything he says through the belief that women are fragile little flowers who need to handled with OH so much care lest they be broken. YUUCH. One more thing: women don't trust his communication because he just won't dare say anything that might offend them. Now a pleasant man is something quite different: pleasant is power, held in proper restraint and exercised with precision and elegance. A pleasant man will speak his mind, set the lead, but he also knows how to listen and show the proper degree of interest and respect. He may put himself first, but he also genuinely cares for and cares about his woman (or women). They are of great importance to him as long as they treat him right and work within the rules that he has made very clear. Most important: his world is his own. He never, NEVER makes the WOMAN his world, around which he orbits. He does allow her to come into his world and occasionally even be at the center WITH him. Ross Jeffries Ross Jeffries' Persuasion/Seduction Newsletters, September 20, 2006