Those who preach the virtue of sacrifice know full well that sacrifices require givers and takers. THEY intend to be the takers. Dr. Michael Hurd Cheaters Never Prosper

I saw a singer, based in New Orleans, say on the Food Network the other day something to the effect of how the incredible generosity of people around the country after Katrina "should be something we see all the time." To which I say...Nonsense! Katrina was an epic disaster. People were in trouble, not due to their own making, and of course many outside of New Orleans were able and willing to respond with generosity, if they could. But life is not one gigantic hurricane. Life is not a hospital room, or a disaster--at least not in a free and rational country, where prosperity comes to the surface and is the norm. Life is normally without hurricanes, and even most hurricanes are not as bad as Katrina. Disaster is not the normal, usual state of mankind, and, therefore, help and generosity are not man's most important virtues. Man's most important virtues are productivity, integrity, self-responsibility and, yes, the enjoyment and happiness that these virtues allow. (These virtues also make possible generosity, by the way.) I'm sick of people, especially celebrities and politicians, trying to induce unearned guilt. Dr. Michael Hurd http://www.drhurd.com/

Nobody can waste your time without your consent. If somebody wasted your time, then this is really another way of saying that you weren't focused enough, and assertive enough, to close (or limit) the conversation or interaction with the other person who allegedly 'wasted your time.' How you word things, including to yourself, can be very important. I suggest NOT saying to yourself, 'He wasted my time.' It's better to think of it as, 'I wasted my time with him.' This self-responsible wording will encourage correct thinking, i.e., thinking that assumes you have control over your life, your destiny ... and your time. Dr. Michael Hurd http://www.drhurd.com