A case has not been refuted until it has been stated at its strongest.  Christopher Hitchens The Strange Case of David Irving

But when the crops fail and the cities rot and the children's teeth decay and nothing works except the ever-enthusiastic and illiterate young lads of the morality police, who will the clerics blame? They are not allowed to blame themselves, except for being insufficiently zealous. Obviously it must be because the Jews, the Crusaders, the Freemasons have been at their customary insidious work. Thus, holy war must be waged on happier and more prosperous lands. If you think I exaggerate even slightly, consult the Web sites of the Iranian theocracy and of its Hamas and Hizbullah surrogates and proxies. These exhorting leaders are not content to inflict their doctrines only on their "own" people. A failed state that cannot allow any grown-up internal debate, or any appeal against the divine edict, will swiftly become an even more failed state and then a rogue one because its limitless paranoia and self-pity must be projected outward. Thus we have a very direct interest in having the Iranian people permitted to interfere in their own internal affairs, and a very immediate reason to insist that the regime's thugs not make their next appearance on the historical stage with nuclear weapons with which to undergird their claim of unfailing righteousness and conviction that they alone know what it is to be a victim.  Christopher Hitchens

I do not say that all practitioners of woman-hating, anti-Semitic, sadomasochistic suicide immolations are themselves insane, but I do say that the teaching itself is demented. Christopher Hitchens Seven salient facts about Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan

Vote for Obama. McCain lacks the character and temperament to be President. And Palin is simply a disgrace. ... Obama is greatly overrated in my opinion, but the Obama-Biden ticket is not a capitulationist one, even if it does accept the support of the surrender faction, and it does show some signs of being able and willing to profit from experience. Christopher Hitchens http://www.slate.com/id/2202163/

Every four years, we suddenly discover that the only people worth noticing or mentioning in the United States are those who are ill, or unemployed, or uninsured, or underpaid, or homeless, or some combination of the above. Bill and Hillary Clinton went on about these unprotected and wretched millions on two successive nights last week, apparently never reflecting that some of them at least must have been alive and suffering under the two Clinton administrations. How can a thinking person sit still and listen to such piffle, let alone get up and wave their arms about when they hear it again and again?  Christopher Hitchens Fighting Words

Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois is the current beneficiary of a tsunami of drool. Christopher Hitchens http://www.slate.com/id/2181460/

A toast: To the Constitution of the United States, and confusion to its enemies! Christopher Hitchens The New Yorker

It’s not what you think, it’s how you think that’s important. Christopher Hitchens Atlantic Monthly Interview

This Don't F*** With Hitch curse actually works—look at what happened to Saddam Hussein. Christopher Hitchens Slate