
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Morris, Dick

It is still hard to believe but, if Hillary Clinton's "confidantes" are to be trusted, Barack Obama is about to appoint her secretary of state and she is about to accept. This appointment represents the capstone of betrayal of Obama's promise to be the "change we can believe in." ...Apart from the breathtaking cynicism of the appointment lies the total lack of foreign-policy experience in the new partnership. Neither Clinton nor Obama has spent five minutes conducting any aspect of foreign policy in the past. Neither has ever negotiated anything or dealt with diplomatic issues. It is the blonde leading the blind.
Dick Morris
"Obama Nation" (Emphasis Added)

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(Added by Ted Keer on 11/23/2008, 1:42pm)
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When Obama says he will only tax the rich, it's like saying he won't shut down the entire ship, just the engine room.
Dick Morris

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(Added by Ted Keer on 8/01/2008, 2:59pm)
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