We proclaim that the terrorists "don't represent Islam." OK, whom do they represent? The Franciscans? We don't get to decide what's Islam and what isn't. Muslims do. And far too many of them approve of violent jihad. Ralph Peters http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/opedcolumnists/lying_to_ourselves_sjQTP9OuIQIrjE0oaYch2K

I’m a conservationist, but not an environmentalist. The difference? A conservationist believes that trees are important. An environmentalist believes that trees are more important than people. Ralph Peters When Scientists Lie

This isn't just stupid: It's immoral. No American president has ever espoused such a worthless, self-absorbed non-strategy for his own political gratification.  Ralph Peters Setting up our military to fail

It's not true that the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist. Even dead terrorists aren't good. But at least they're dead.  Ralph Peters 'Fighting' terror with wishful thinking

Is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright a better role model than Martin Luther King? It's a damned shame that our first minority president wasn't a veteran of our civil-rights struggle, rather than its privileged beneficiary. Ralph Peters Green Light for a Crackdown

It must have been the viewing angle: The despots who run Iran somehow missed the halo gracing President Obama during his recent sermon to the Muslim world. Ralph Peters The Obama Effect

Indeed, jealousy is the great unacknowledged strategic factor of our time. Ralph Peters Devils in Mumbai

War is about killing. Killing people. It's not about making friends - with bullets. Ralph Peters Book TV

Contrary to Neil Young, the Aztecs were not flower children. Ralph Peters Book TV