
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Will, George

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Today's tax system was shaped by sadists who were trying to be nice.
George Will
Charting Our Way to Solvency

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(Added by Ted Keer on 2/07/2010, 11:32am)
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Americans have noticed that, judging by the words and deeds of the president and of the Congress his party controls, global warming is (a) an imminent threat to the planet but (b) not as urgent a concern as health-care reform.
George Will
Frayed Nerves, Short Tempers

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(Added by Ted Keer on 12/07/2009, 9:48pm)
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Today, there is a name for the political doctrine that rejoices in scarcity of everything except government. The name is environmentalism.
George Will
Oil's Expanding Frontiers

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 11/22/2009, 8:26am)
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On the 233rd day of his presidency, Barack Obama grabbed the country's lapels for the 263rd time—that was, as of last Wednesday, the count of his speeches, press conferences, town halls, interviews, and other public remarks. His speech to Congress was the 122nd time he had publicly discussed health care. Just 14 hours would pass before the 123rd, on Thursday morning. His incessant talking cannot combat what it has caused: An increasing number of Americans do not believe that he believes what he says.
George Will
Why No One Believes Obama

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(Added by Ted Keer on 9/16/2009, 11:37am)
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Having aggressively, even promiscuously, blurred the distinction between public and private sectors with improvised and largely unauthorized interventions in the economy, will [President Obama and other statists] ever countenance a retreat of the state? Or do they have an aspiration that they dare not speak?
George Will
Will Obama's Statism Ever Retreat?

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 8/23/2009, 1:23pm)
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In the history of developed democracies with literate publics served by mass media, there is no precedent for today's media enlistment in the crusade to promote global warming "awareness." Concerning this, journalism, which fancies itself skeptical and nonconforming, is neither.
George Will

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 6/05/2009, 1:50pm)
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Good evening, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to the show. In the interest of safety, please take a moment to identify the nearest marked exit. But in case of an actual emergency, please remain setaed and await the Federal Bailout.
George Will
loosely, quoting from the show "Irony Abounds"

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(Added by Ted Keer on 11/09/2008, 5:39pm)
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The almost erotic pleasure of spending money that others have earned and saved is one reason people put up with the tiresome aspects of political life.
George Will

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(Added by Steve Wolfer on 10/24/2008, 12:08pm)
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