Reid's struggle getting to 60 makes some liberals fear for their country. They lament that America has become "ungovernable." In other words, it isn't putty in their grasping little hands. Unfortunately for them, the founders created a balky system resistant to precipitate change. It is designed to frustrate ideologically drunken (and perhaps temporary) majorities insistent on passing sweeping, unpopular legislation. Reid's difficulty is exactly the way James Madison would have wanted it. Rich Lowry The Liberals' Weaselly Panic

Like Richard Nixon, Barack Obama wants to govern on the strength of a silent majority, although with a twist. Obama wants the majority that opposes or questions his policies to stay silent. Rich Lowry http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZmM2MTI2MTVkN2Y2ZjBlOTQ4N2U2YjY4ZGFkYzFmYzQ=