
Rebirth of Reason

Quotes: Biden, Vice Pres., Joe

There's not a single Democrat or Republican who's ever worked with me that will not look you in the eye and say, "Biden has never, ever, ever broken his word."
Vice Pres., Joe Biden

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(Added by Ed Thompson on 12/20/2010, 11:00am)
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Absolutely, positively. Look what the deficit commission suggested. They suggested we do exactly what we did. They suggested we have a payroll tax. They suggested that we stimulate the economy this year into next year. They suggested that this has no impact on long-term debt because it's for two years. Look, you know this, the only people who are going to agree with me when I say this are the economists listening, left, right and center. In the middle of a recession, where we're just climbing out of it, where the economy--unemployment is still at 9.7 percent, the idea of raising taxes and reducing spending is a prescription for disaster. No one is suggesting that.
Vice Pres., Joe Biden
Biden's answer on Meet The Press regarding spending another $1 trillion after seeing deficit commission report

Discuss this Economics Quote (2 messages)
(Added by Ed Thompson on 12/20/2010, 10:49am)
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