
Rebirth of Reason

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Sanctions: 17
Notorious AR sighting in Ecuador
Posted by Opinador Compulsivo on 7/22, 7:27am
Background : El Universo is one of the main newspapers in Ecuador. Recently it was the subject of strongarmed political persecution by the populist government of Rafael Correa. This week, a "Court of Justice" delivered swift 3-year prison sentences to a group of El Universo directors, and also fined them with u$s 40 million (yes you heard right) for "offenses to the majesty of the Presidence".

Today, the newspaper front page was left blank, save for a Spanish translation of the classic "When you see that in order to produce..." Rand quote (but omitting the first paragraph of the original quote).

The news about this outrage were reproduced all over Latin America newspapers and websites, so this has become a big boost of Rand awareness for this part of the world.

Here's a picture of the front page. And here is a CNN article about this, for the Spanish-impaired.

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