
Rebirth of Reason

Larry Balint

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Number of Posts: 28
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Article Discussions - Machan's Musings - Back to the Animal Rights Folly - 6
Article Discussions - Machan's Musings - What Some Don't Get About Terrorism - 1
Objectivism Q&A - The Ethics of Accepting Welfare - 33
News Discussions - UN observers for November 2 presidential election - 1
Article Discussions - Libertarians and the Elections - 3
General Forum - The War in Iraq - 3
Article Discussions - 2004 Presidential Race Prediction - 9
Article Discussions - 2004 Presidential Race Prediction - 2
Article Discussions - How Bush Terminated Stem Cell Research in America - 48
Article Discussions - How Bush Terminated Stem Cell Research in America - 38
Article Discussions - How Bush Terminated Stem Cell Research in America - 25
Books - Ayn Rand, Objectivists, and the History of Philosophy - 3
Objectivism Q&A - The Ethics of Accepting Welfare - 30
Objectivism Q&A - Objectivism and Psychiatry - 0
Objectivism Q&A - The Ethics of Accepting Welfare - 28
Objectivism Q&A - The Ethics of Accepting Welfare - 24
Objectivism Q&A - The Ethics of Accepting Welfare - 22
News Discussions - Ayn Rand and the False Gods of Objectivism - 10
Objectivism Q&A - The Ethics of Accepting Welfare - 20
Article Discussions - Tolerating Intolerance: Why Hate Speech Is Free Speech - 4

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