Get Your Freedom Soda Here!
by Jeff Landauer
There are many small tragedies that we all suffer every day at the hands of an overbearing government. And one of these tragedies, for those of us living in the USA, is inferior sodas sweetened with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) instead of real sugar because of a combination of sugar tariffs and corn subsidies. (Read more...)
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Capitalism Soaring Into The Heavens
by Jeff Landauer
It’s Sunday, 10:01 PM. My friend Phil and I stop at the grocery store 2 blocks from his house in Santa Clara, CA to buy 2 cases of Mountain Dew. We will need the caffeine.
Six and a half hours of crazy night driving south through the central valley and up into the high desert North-East of Los Angeles, and we arrive at the Mojave, CA airport, in just one of thousands of cars arriving. The highway is already getting significantly backed up as the cars try to get into the two lane entrance. It’s 4:30 AM on Monday, June 21, date of the launch of the first civilian spacecraft. (Read more...)
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Aristotle and the Highest Good
by Jeff Landauer
I had always heard that Aristotle’s ethics were all about Eudaimonia. Imagine my horror and shock when I read in Book 1, Section 2 of Nichomachean Ethics that the highest good belongs to the science of politics. “The attainment of the good for one man alone is, to be sure, a source of satisfaction; yet to secure it for a nation and for states is nobler and more divine.” (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 26, 2003 |
Ask IOP: Mixed Economy
by Jeff Landauer
What are some advantages of a mixed economy? (Read more...)
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IRV: From Game Playing to Principle
by Jeff Landauer
When I ran for the United States House of Representatives in 2002, a theme that I incorporated into all my speeches was, "Don't waste your vote" ... on the Republicans or the Democrats. To vote for either of them would be an endorsement for the status quo of continued statism and violations of individual rights, so I claimed. But the reality is in plurality, winner-take-all elections, there are generally only two styles of voting. (Read more...)
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The Glory of the Rice Cooker
by Jeff Landauer
Going out to a nice restaurant every once in a while for a great meal is definitely part of living the good life. But for every day calorie consumption there is little to rival the glory of a rice cooker. (Read more...)
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One Year of SoloHQ
by Jeff Landauer
And SoloHQ keeps rolling on! (Read more...)
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World Peace
by Jeff Landauer
"World Peace" is no longer just a phrase vapidly spewed by the occasional hippie or Academy Award recipient. The increasing spread of democracy presages a future in which there really is world peace. (Read more...)
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 The Scourge of Public Libraries
by Jeff Landauer
None but a cad could possibly argue against the existence of public libraries, isn't that so? Still, our own Jeff Landauer does... (Read more...)
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Six Months of SOLO HQ
by Jeff Landauer
SoloHQ.com went public on May 1, 2002. Six months later, we're still going strong. (Read more...)
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Transparency In Government
by Jeff Landauer
After recent business scandals in the US, critics have called for more transparency in business. With better transparency, we can hold people accountable for their misdeeds and better direct our investment dollars. Meanwhile, civil libertarians are complaining about President Bush's nontransparent military tribunals for our enemies in the War Against Terror. (Read more...)
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 All On Fire
by Jeff Landauer
William Lloyd Garrison was a radical abolitionist. He was radical because of his stance that the words in the Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal," apply to everyone, and he was radical because of the way he defended that stance -- upon moral grounds without regard to the vested interests or sensibilities of others. (Read more...)
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$190 Billion of Evil
by Jeff Landauer
Yesterday, president Bush signed into law the biggest farm subsidy and price support bill in US history that will cost $190 billion dollars over 10 years. (Read more...)
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