
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Kanabe, Elizabeth

June 17, 2004
Sense of Life
CEO of Your Life
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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At a career seminar, the speaker told us that we were the CEOs of our own lives. What a wonderful description of taking ownership and control of your life from work to play! (Read more...)
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January 30, 2004
The Good Life
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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We all have images of people who don't quite seem to fit their 'status': the young genius, the crazy inventor, the hippie with a million dollar software company. We like to think that people are judged solely for their personality, ideas and contributions, and products are judged for quality. More often, though, we see businessmen in a suit. We know that appearance and delivery does account for a lot when dealing with others. (Read more...)
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November 18, 2003
War for Men's Minds
Activism Made Easy
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Elizabeth's speech from the third SOLO Conference in Philadelphia. (Read more...)
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October 31, 2003
The Good Life
Perfection in Life
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Perfection – it's something that we all strive for. (Read more...)
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September 11, 2003
The Changing Hospital Market
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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As states around the U.S. work towards deregulating the hospital industry, many hospitals find themselves unprepared for some of the consequences that have emerged. (Read more...)
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July 28, 2003
SOLOC 3 : Frequently Asked Questions
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Information on the conference. Everything you need to know to have a fantastic October. (Read more...)
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July 2, 2003
The Good Life
The Way to First Base
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Imagine the following baseball game. The players in the field are lined up and ready as the first batter comes up to the plate. As the pitcher pitches the ball, the player takes a swing, misses, and runs to the first base not understanding why the others aren't continuing the play. He gets upset and refuses to return to bat. (Read more...)
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May 19, 2003
Solo Philadelphia
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Announcing SOLO Conference 3: Philadelphia. October 3-5, 2003. (Read more...)
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February 4, 2003
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Announcing SOLO NYC! (Read more...)
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January 1, 2003
The Good Life
Roller Coaster Feelings
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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You can't ignore your feelings. Nor would you want to. (Read more...)
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December 20, 2002
War for Men's Minds
What's Your Point?
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Often, how we teach or explain something is overlooked, especially when what we want to teach is foremost on our minds. Without the listener understanding the "why?" and the "how?", you're usually left with a "so what?" or a misunderstanding. (Read more...)
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November 7, 2002
The Good Life
Cheese to go with that Whine?
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Discover that words have exact meanings---in your own life... (Read more...)
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October 1, 2002
The Good Life
A Better Day Tomorrow
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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We have the ability to be happy--if we take the necessary action to do so... (Read more...)
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September 9, 2002
The Good Life
To Err or Not to Err
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Is it better to experience more and take the bad with the good, or to only enter situations when you are confident and can protect yourself as best as possible? (Read more...)
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August 9, 2002
Sense of Life
The Good Old Past, Present and Future
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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At a recent meeting that I was sent to for my job, we got to talk with the others at our table during breaks. At lunchtime, an all too familiar conversation started up about the new versus the old days. What used to be "we didn’t have T.V. back then" and "I used to walk three miles to school, each way, uphill…" now became "we didn’t need the yearly trips to exotic islands" and "we didn’t need three cars per household" back then. "Children were content back then playing baseball around the corner and going camping for vacation without the Internet and video games." (Read more...)
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August 2, 2002
Regulating Humanism
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Do you want to add a bed on the third floor? You must ask for permission from the state in what can be a several-hundred page application process. Seem a little extreme? It is how the hospital industry operates. Health care is extremely regulated, especially in New Jersey where I work. A hospital must ask for permission for every bed that it wants to add or take out of service. (Read more...)
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July 3, 2002
Sense of Life
Small Miracles
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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It is easier to blame “human nature”, government and an evil company and expect change to occur on a large scale than to rebuild from the individual. (Read more...)
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June 20, 2002
The Good Life
Wishing to be a Buff
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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No one has the time or resources to be the best at everything, and for this reason the best at one thing will always lack something else. (Read more...)
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