
Rebirth of Reason

Articles: Commentary

September 16, 2003
The Death of Democracy in California
by Joseph Rowlands
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Yesterday, Sept 15, 2003, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the state of California is to become a Kingdom ruled by His Royal Majesty, King Gray Davis I. (Read more...)
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September 12, 2003
The West is the Best
by Anton Kelly
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The second anniversary of September 11 passed quietly and I'm glad I didn't see any gratuitous replays of the events of that awful day. (Read more...)
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September 11, 2003
The Changing Hospital Market
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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As states around the U.S. work towards deregulating the hospital industry, many hospitals find themselves unprepared for some of the consequences that have emerged. (Read more...)
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September 3, 2003
Pandering - the Redistribution of Virtue
by Russell Madden
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Don't Upset the Ego-Drenched Parvenus (Read more...)
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September 2, 2003
Espresso Tax and the Hidden Costs
by Tibor R. Machan
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News reports had it the other day that Seattle's politicians and bureaucrats have cooked up yet another extortion scheme. They are now planning to put a 10 cent tax on every shot of espresso coffee. (Read more...)
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August 28, 2003
The Protectorate: The Ultimate Check
by G. Stolyarov II
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During the summer of 2002, I had had the pleasure of touring through Canada with a guide who was one of the most ingenious, industrious, and rationally selfish men I had ever met. (Read more...)
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August 26, 2003
CommentaryThe Free Radical
Saddams Succours #3
by Lindsay Perigo
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It will be argued that I ought to change my mind, because no Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found, & it seems increasingly unlikely that any ever will be. Thus, it will be claimed, the very reason the war was waged has been shown to be a pretext, a phoney justification for something America & Britain were hell-bent on doing anyway. Elizabeth Kanabe (Read more...)
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August 22, 2003
Voting Fraud
by Russell Madden
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No. I am not talking about the Fall television schedule nor even the rush to Christmas. I refer, of course, to the recent feverish focus on voting that has the jaws of the Talking Heads flapping in overdrive. (Read more...)
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August 21, 2003
Meritocracy: Cleansing the Smear
by G. Stolyarov II
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The word "meritocracy" has often been employed as a pejorative smear against the system of capitalism, which, claimed the egalitarians, establishes the self-contradictory notion of a caste system based on merit (!), which supposedly elevates inherently "gifted" men into positions of "dominance" over the inherently "deprived of mind." (Read more...)
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August 19, 2003
Property Rights: A Blessing for Maori New Zealand
by Peter Cresswell
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The intellectually lazy can often be heard opining (amongst other nonsense) that before Europeans arrived all of New Zealand was owned by the Maori who inhabited some parts of the country. This is the 'thinking' that somehow concludes that some four hundred tribesmen somehow 'owned' the entire South Island! This is the sort of thinking that I can only conclude is utter tosh. (Read more...)
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August 18, 2003
Why Altruism?
by Joseph Rowlands
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The other day I listened to some associates discuss the welfare state. Instead of giving my own opinion on the topic, I thought I'd listen in on them. (Read more...)
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August 13, 2003
The Betrayal of Checks and Balances
by G. Stolyarov II
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The philosophy of Ayn Rand has taught me and numerous other thinkers of the new intellectual Renaissance the moral groundwork for laissez-faire capitalism as the sole economic system which fully and unequivocally recognizes the individual's objective prerequisites to survival, his natural rights of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and property. With slight loopholes, this was the implicit philosophy behind the founding of America, and the principal force in its first one hundred fifty years of development. (Read more...)
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August 11, 2003
New Products: Audio CDs
by Lindsay Perigo
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Two new audio CD's available for sale at SOLOHQ. (Read more...)
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August 8, 2003
Foreign Affairs Quandaries
by Tibor R. Machan
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Since early in its history America has been a world power and even aside from the ambitions of some of its leaders and citizens, it has been called upon increasingly by many leaders of other nations to come and fight in their behalf. (Read more...)
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August 5, 2003
The AMD-Chinese Connection
by David M. Brown
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On July 28, 2003, Advanced Micro Devices admitted that it is cooperating with the Chinese to help them build the world's third-largest supercomputer. (Read more...)
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August 1, 2003
Europe's Welfare State Troubles
by Tibor R. Machan
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The Hungarian economist Janos Kornia argued, in his book The Road to the Free Economy (W.W. Norton, 1990) that welfare states are a very bad idea for developing (and post-communist) countries because, well, they haven't enough rich people from whom to extort the resources with which to provide goods and services to those who have been promised these free of charge. (Read more...)
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July 28, 2003
SOLOC 3 : Frequently Asked Questions
by Elizabeth Kanabe
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Information on the conference. Everything you need to know to have a fantastic October. (Read more...)
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July 25, 2003
Right to Privacy - is it in the Constitution?
by Tibor R. Machan
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One old criticism of a more libertarian interpretation of the US Constitution, one leveled at the court when it overturned a Connecticut law banning contraception and when it spoke of the right to privacy in Roe v. Wade, is that no right to privacy is mentioned in that famous legal document. And there certainly is none listed explicitly, not at least in the original version. (Read more...)
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July 24, 2003
"Under God": Why is TOC Pandering to Bigots?
by Adam Reed
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For readers from countries other than United States of America, I shall start with a bit of our local anthropology. When an American child reaches the age of 4 or 5 or 6 - depending on where that child lives - his parents are compelled to send him to school. If the parents fail to do so, an armed officer of the law will show up at their doorstep and take their child, at gunpoint, to his assigned government school. (Read more...)
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July 15, 2003
Death by Religion
by Joseph Rowlands
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Recently I had a conversation with a Christian. She tried to make the claim that Christianity is more peaceful than Islam, based on what current affairs. In the Middle East, there's terrorism, dictatorships, suicide bombers, and holy wars. In the West, you have a bunch of people who go to church, sing songs, and have picnics. Who could argue with that? (Read more...)
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July 14, 2003
Film as Hazardous Propaganda
by Tibor R. Machan
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As a regular viewer of Sundance films, mostly to satisfy my need for cultural anthropology lessons and because I do like some aspects of what they offer, I caught, just the other day, Jonathan Nossiter's "Signs & Wonders." The movie is about an American adulterer in Athens whose wife hooks up with a really angry, anti-American zealot. The zealot is, of course, depicted as a hero since he hates globalization, was a part of the Leftist resistance to the Greek dictatorship that the U.S. Government supported, and knows in his heart that he is absolutely right and expresses this in every move of his body. (Read more...)
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July 11, 2003
Bully Pulpit: Don't Ignore Me
by Kristin Currier
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The new girl in town was out discovering the neighborhood beach. Tomorrow she was looking forward to the first day of grade 1. Learning was an exciting thing. There was nothing she liked better than drawing and reading. (Read more...)
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July 9, 2003
A Campaign for Liberty: The Liberian Occupation
by G. Stolyarov II
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With the situation in Iraq rapidly stabilizing as vestiges of the tyrannical Hussein regime are being efficiently eliminated, the United States has obtained the opportunity to consider another foreign involvement and a commitment of troops, a relatively minor one in comparison to the Iraq War. (Read more...)
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July 7, 2003
Why the Fuss about Gay Marriages?
by Tibor R. Machan
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Canada is now recognizing gay marriages and many in America think it is scandalous that this country is lagging behind. What, Canada more free and tolerant than the USA? Surely that's shameful. (Read more...)
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July 3, 2003
Gun Control in America East
by Russell Madden
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If the most recent incarnation of the war in Iraq has accomplished nothing else, the aftermath of that conflict has revealed fascinating insights into the mindset that dominates the agents of the American State. When I read articles and quotes and comments regarding what the United States is doing in Iraq in its role as that country's latest caretakers, I sometimes have to check to be certain that the stories are not detailing events in the Homeland. (Read more...)
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