
Rebirth of Reason

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April 6, 2009
Government Stimulus Packages are Attempts to Deny Reality
by Edward W. Younkins
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Many economists and politicians think that the effective way to increase output is by means of a fiscal stimulus package (i.e., by increasing the overall spending in the economy). They do not understand that there must first be a flow of real savings if producers are to fund the purchase of capital goods and other good... (Read more...)
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April 3, 2009
This is Economic Fascism
by Tibor R. Machan
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Fascism is a political system in which a country is lead by a charismatic
leader who has full power to order things about because he (or she) is
taken to know best. Obviously this is a mythical sort of regime, with most
of its essential features impossible to come by. No such leader exists,
period, but there are many who pretend that they are fully qualified. (Read more...)

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April 1, 2009
by Manfred F. Schieder
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This article comprises a full analysis of a quote of mine published by "Rebirth of Reason". It aims to clear some misunderstandings among several readers. At the end the reader will find a theorem or summary of the content, though it is recommended to read the article first. (Read more...)
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March 28, 2009
War for Men's Minds
Executive Compensation
by Tibor R. Machan
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With the current brouhaha about high payouts in bonuses to company
executives whose companies didn't manage to be successful, it may appear
to be unjust to pay as per the terms of the contract but it isn't. As the
saying goes, a promise is a promise. (Read more...)

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March 23, 2009
Step It Up!
by Tyson Russell
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A rousing call to action for Ayn Rand's admirers to shed the cowardice they may feel in espousing their respect for Rand's ideas and values. (Read more...)
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March 20, 2009
Intellectual Ammunition
One's Right to be Wrong
by Tibor R. Machan
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 Why should people have the freedom to do what is wrong, provided
they aren't violating anyone's rights? (Read more...)

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March 18, 2009
Is Atlas Shrugging?
by Yaron Brook
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In this video commentary, Yaron Brook of the Ayn Rand Institute says don’t go John Galt — it’s “time to fight.” He also discusses the Internet as a virtual Galt's Gulch, and the continuing relevance of Atlas Shrugged. (Read more...)
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March 16, 2009
Subsidy Versus Investment, Part 2
by Merlin Jetton
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This is part 2 contrasting subsidy and investment. (Read more...)
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March 14, 2009
Government Regulations Revisited
by Tibor R. Machan
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Government regulations are more akin to the policies of a police state, where the government regiments the population so as to make sure everyone is acting correctly, properly. (Read more...)
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March 12, 2009
War for Men's Minds
Obama and Measuring and Improving the Economy
by Dean Michael Gores
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My take on Obama is that his dream is to make everyone equally wealthy-- while disregarding how this will impact productivity and the health and life of US citizens. The impact will be severely negative, exactly to the degree that spends our wealth away in his expensive "change" policies. (Read more...)
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March 10, 2009
Who Defines Art?
by Will Heath
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Here art is defined as being that which critics say it is. In this case the art is bonsai, but the definition is universally repugnant. (Read more...)
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March 8, 2009
Executive Compensation
by Tibor R. Machan
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I recall when I came West from communist Hungary I enjoyed all the wealth
that surrounded me despite having hardly any of it myself. (Read more...)

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March 6, 2009
Sense of Life
Gustave Courbet and "The Origin of the World"
by Manfred F. Schieder
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Gustave Courbet pointed out the exact moment at which the world begins to exist for each of us human beings. The knowledge of this one and only existence is a stern call to fill our life with peaceful, productive efforts that allow us to seek and reach personal happiness. (Read more...)
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March 3, 2009
Conference to ask: Are Liberals Mean?
by Michael E. Marotta
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To what extent do non-profit social service agencies and government offices cause harm?  How badly do "do-gooders" hurt other people with secondary consequences? (Read more...)
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February 28, 2009
"It's Only Money!"
by Tibor R. Machan
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How is it you never hear prominent critics of Western materialism and capitalism defending the likes of Bernard Madoff with the exclamation, "It's Only Money!"? (Read more...)
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February 24, 2009
Ayn Rand, Human Flourishing, and Virtue Ethics
by Edward W. Younkins
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During the last forty years or so, there has been a revival of scholarly interest in the virtues in general and in virtue ethics in particular. Many thinkers have turned their attention to a neo-Aristotelian version of virtue ethics, but none has made a better or more consistent case for a virtuous life than has Rand (... (Read more...)
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February 21, 2009
Bias at The News Hour
by Tibor R. Machan
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Often I check out newscasts from several sources, not just in print and on
the Internet but also on radio and TV. One place where I check things out
fairly regularly is PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) TV's The News Hour
with Jim Lehrer, mainly because I am curious how a program funded to a
considerable extent from money taken in taxes handles controversial
topics. (Read more...)

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February 18, 2009
Subsidy Versus Investment
by Merlin Jetton
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Let's start with a firm.  It could be a "for profit" or "non-profit" one. The following analysis can apply to either. "Non-profits" have revenues and costs like "for profits." To be sustainable they have to obtain enough revenues to cover their costs. A "for profit" clearly seeks revenues, R, greater than costs,... (Read more...)
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February 14, 2009
Taxation With No Possible Representation
by Tibor R. Machan
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    So, one thing that's dreadful about the current administration's--and the
former's--policy vis-a-vis the fiscal mess is that the remedies proposed
all impose massive taxation on future generations, people who haven't the
ghost of a chance to speak up for themselves. (Read more...)

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February 10, 2009
Common Sense
by Merlin Jetton
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'Common sense' as used by Aristotle meant something much different than it does today. His usage was pretty scant, but this essay will give his basic meaning. (Read more...)
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February 7, 2009
We Need 300 Spartans Again
by Marty Lewinter
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America invaded the wrong country (Iraq) after 911. I wish we chose Iran - a world class sponsor of terrorism. (Read more...)
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February 7, 2009
Great Comment on our “Unregulated Free Market”
by Michael Smith
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Over at Econtalk, there's a podcast featuring the University of Chicago's John Cochrane talking about the financial crisis. The talk itself is worth a lesson, but isn't the focus of this link.

The real gem on this page is Michael Smith's reply to Mark K's criticism of "unregulated free market capitalism". It is a memorable response, and deserves to be noted by defenders of capitalism.

(If your particular browser doesn't jump directly to the comment, you may need to scroll down to the post dated February 5, 2009 4:14 PM)

Hat tips should go to Coyote Blog and Cafe Hayek for bringing attention to this post. (Read more...)

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February 6, 2009
You Should Belong to Washington!
by Tibor R. Machan
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All this is advocated, of course, for the laudable cause of reviving the American economy. That kind of supreme objective is exactly what the Soviet government used to justify its disastrous Five Year Plans and what all tyrants use to excuse their system of subjugation. Never mind. (Read more...)
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February 3, 2009
Turn the tables? Not so fast.
by Marty Lewinter
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Many news items about the middle east refer to Israel's "genocide" against the Palestinians of Gaza. This is an enormous distortion. (Read more...)
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January 31, 2009
Up To No Good (and Knowing It)
by Tibor R. Machan
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In my efforts to explain that taxation is extortion and a relic of the
feudal age when it was the rent landowners--mostly monarchs and
lords--collected from people, I have met with much resistance. It is
mostly based on the widespread belief that without taxation the functions
of government could not be paid for. (Read more...)

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