The Survivor Syndrome: Overcoming Organizational Trauma in Times of Crisis
by Fred Kofman
Commentary by Manfred F. Schieder: This article undertakes the hard task of providing a therapeutic method to overcome the shock and personal damage that the financial disaster presently engulfing the world produced and produces to the management as well as the employees of companies now facing its harmful consequences. Not only the financial but also the physical wellbeing of everybody will be influenced by this situation. A short curriculum of Fred Kofman will be found at the end of the article itself. (Read more...)
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The Celebrated vs. The Obscure
by Tibor R. Machan
My impression is that the passage I have quoted above from our new president continues the mis-impression that the worthy kind of work must be physical labor. (Read more...)
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Wednesday January 21, 2009 |
Preparing for Capitalism
by Manfred F. Schieder
While the present worldwide situation doesn't make it seem likely that the time for the establishment of a Capitalist social system is at hand, evolution itself proves that this moment must arrive. But the changes involved require the activity of previously prepared managers for the establishment of the Capitalist system. This article takes up the administrative requirements and further theoretical and practical tasks this feat will involve. (Read more...)
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Mideast Mess Makes Me Mad
by Marty Lewinter
Israel wants peace. Too many (but far from all) Muslims advocate the destruction of that small state full of the promise of shared technology, universities, hospitals, and increased prosperity for the entire Middle East. (Read more...)
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Six Words to Shut Their Traps
by Luke Setzer
Imagine a real life Eddie Willers struggling in today's world to make the best life possible for himself and his loved ones. He could encounter various verbal traps and handle them efficaciously. In all walks of life, you will encounter people who will attempt to divorce the cold equations of finance from their transactions with you. You should never let them get away with it. Eddie Willers would not. This article employs Eddie Willers in a way to help you in that worthy aim with six easily memorized words. (Read more...)
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"Public" Abuse
by Tibor R. Machan
Run, don't walk, for the exit whenever someone begins to carry on about the public interest, the public good, the public welfare and similar allusions to deed and policies that supposedly advance us all. (Read more...)
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by John Paul Sherman
[this is from a letter to me... Robert Malcom] Along the lines of your "Parrish"-ing project: I've done something in poetry form that is somewhat similar (and far more presumptuous). While I've done humorous parodies of other poets' work, rhis is the first time I've had the gall to try to improve a famous piece... (Read more...)
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WSJ calls Ayn Rand for Treasury Secretary
by Jack Zhang
So is there a hope for Objectivism? Here (Read more...)
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Israel, Hamas, and I
by Tibor R. Machan
When one is bombarded with information about events the history of which is ancient and so complex that hardly anyone commenting makes sense of them, it is very tough to judge. That’s how it is with me and the current upheaval between Israel and Hamas. (Read more...)
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A Revolutionary Struggle
by Tibor R. Machan
Be it welcome or not, there is a revolutionary struggle afoot in the world. It started when certain thinkers began to dispute the claims made by defenders of various rulers--monarchs, dictators, tsars and the like--that some people have a divine or natural right to run the lives of other people. (Read more...)
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In Obama We Trust
by Traci Kanaan
I ran into a former customer of my promotional products business today. He lost his job with "the county" and has been unemployed since July. I asked what he was doing in the meantime, and he said "Well, maybe I'll find something when this economy turns around."
... (Read more...)
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Saturday December 27, 2008 |
Year End Pet Peeves
by Tibor R. Machan
Mostly I write on topics I suspect concern a wide enough audience. Columnists don’t just write on anything that pops into their minds but need to do a bit of service to reader-clients. But, if one has a regular venue for one’s columns, it maybe fine, now and then, to indulge oneself with a topic or two that’s more personal. Even these will, of course, aim to please, if only by inviting reader-clients to know a bit of the writer. (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 24, 2008 |
The United States of America
by Marty Lewinter
Read my poem and remember how great America was and can be again. (Read more...)
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Ayn Rand and the End of Malthus
by Manfred F. Schieder
The existing altruistic type of society that characterized mankind's existence up to now, belongs to the realm of the irrational animals and is, thus, kept within bounds by Malthus' "solutions": hunger, plagues (diseases) and wars. The type of society that characterizes the rational human being, avoids these prospects by applying a totally different code of social existence. (Read more...)
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Saturday December 20, 2008 |
Against USA, Inc.
by Tibor R. Machan
Government, even if democratic--meaning one that serves everyone in society--is to be limited in its scope. That scope is to secure our rights, just as the American Founders envisioned it. (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 17, 2008 |
The Minimal Secular Agenda Regarding Religious Belief
by G. Stolyarov II
In order to achieve peaceful coexistence among all individuals, Mr. Stolyarov presents a list of understandings which he believes all religious people need to adopt and that any reasonable secularist should expect them to adopt. Adopting the Minimal Secular Agenda Regarding Religious Belief (MSARRB) will defuse tensions among the religious and non-religious and will enable more peaceful, mutually respectful, and productive interactions among them. (Read more...)
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Bailout Is No Public Good
by Tibor R. Machan
The failures are a very good reason to stop all this wealth redistribution and government regimentation--those folks up there in Washington, Sacramento, Brussels, and the like just haven’t clue and thus all they can do when they insist on “doing something” is to muddle about, pose, pretend, or fake. (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 10, 2008 |
You could have heard a pin drop...
by Alexandra York
Commentary by Manfred F. Schieder: Alexandra York sent me a series of incisive stories that hit the nail on the head and which, under the present world circumstances, we all, but precisely the American population, should clearly keep in their mind. Please pass this on to your friends and associates. (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 10, 2008 |
Help me become the next Senator of Illinois
by Traci Kanaan
A Florida Comedian ponders life as the next Chicago Senator (Read more...)
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The FDR "Solution"
by Tibor R. Machan
It is a very scary prospect but if president-elect Barack Obama is serious about admiring President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for how the latter dealt with America’s Great Depression, then America and the world may be in for some very ugly times indeed. (Read more...)
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Art and Evolution
by Manfred F. Schieder
Painting and sculpture clearly depict and describe mankind's painful growth to what nature's evolution itself automatically designed it to be: beings characterized by the faculty of reason, a faculty whose development itself history has shown to be a stumbling, hesitant progress toward the goal of total fulfillment. The article analyzes the evolution of man from the point of view of his aesthetic efforts and the colossal task that lies ahead. (Read more...)
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Big 3 Bailouts
by Traci Kanaan
A Comedian's Look at The Big 3 Bailouts (Read more...)
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Wednesday December 3, 2008 |
India, Government & Insecurity
by Tibor R. Machan
My impression is that if we had governments around the globe that focused on their proper and properly limited job--namely, the securing or protection of our rights--and they eschewed involvement in the undertakings that's none of their business, there would be less terrorism by far. (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 26, 2008 |
No, I'm Not Mean
by Tibor R. Machan
No, I am not mean. I am personally a frequent contributor to voluntary efforts to lend a hand even while my focus in my writings happens to be mostly on eliminating coercion from human interactions. (Read more...)
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Wednesday November 26, 2008 |
by Alexandra York
Alexandra York, founding president of ART (, author of "From The Fountainhead to the Future" and "Crosspoints", a novel inspired by Ayn Rand's literary legacy, sent me ART's Update Fall 2008, which contains a deeply sarcastic and hilariously funny criticism of an Installation exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York that Alexandra visited recently. She agreed on my sending it over to "Rebirth of Reason" for the members to enjoy lots of laughs! (Read more...)
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