| | To play catch-up here after a few months (it takes much more attention to have to code replies with HTML) ...
My technical requests were posed as exactly that, requests, which were meant to urge that RoR not remain a brackish backwater as to ease of use. And, in turn, to try to help avoid what this may be doing to discourage gaining and keeping interested participants.
I make no "demands." After being a member here for some time, appreciating the forum's being offered, yet being discouraged from participating more by its technical limits, I don't think such requests are out of line.
Michael: Many thanks for posting several lovely works of art by Bouguereau and others. And for thoroughly understanding, and acting upon, the point of a gallery thread.
John, and anyone else who casts vague (and unsubstantiated) disrepute on a Website such as deviantART: You're blithely ignoring the facts of, literally, millions of different artistic styles and constellations of talents, from published professionals to teenage students.
Judging a Website, in part, from the supposed implications of its name is also quite foolish. dA lives up to the iconoclasm that any art site should cultivate. It's a vibrant community, not without faults as would be true of any gathering of 15 million members but nonetheless offering a huge array of visual and verbal art, in a well-engineered (yes, including the Web design) and efficient manner.
The only more pointed counterpoint that makes any sense is to actually link to a representative example of someone who sanely and effectively uses such a site. Namely, my own page at deviantART. If you've joined the site, I would love to hear from you. If you have any questions about it, I'd be glad to answer them.
Also, I offer my dA collections sizable portions of a carefully chosen 500 "favorites" thus far of beautiful and provocative Winged Realistic, Winged Fantasy, and Winged Allegory works from the site's artists and writers.
(Not all of these will be visible unless one has a free dA account oneself, and is logged into it, since that's the only way to get past the Mature Content site filter. It's easy to register. The vast, formidable resources for both art creators and art appreciators make it extremely worthwhile to sign up.)