| | Hello there Myron,
I debated whether or not this was worth my time to answer, and finally decided that it was, even if it is off topic to this particular discussion.
"I imagine you are referring to me when you speak of that beautiful world out there when we refuse to be victims."
Yes, I was referring to you and to anyone one else that defines themselves by their suffering.
"Yes, I think it is a beautiful world when there are no straight women in it. I enjoy being a gay male a great deal. But unfortunately in this oppressive society I was forced to attend high school and suffer through the oppressive effects of a heterosexual culture, a culture that says a boy is nothing unless he has a girl, and is a good lover, able to please and satisfy her."
Well, in a bizarre sense I almost agree with you. Had there been no straight women around, you would not have been born to suffer what you have apparently suffered. You aren't unique in your suffering either. Perhaps if you would care to look around, there are many gays and non gays alike that have suffered for a variety of reasons. Religion, economic status, ethnic origins, physical deformities, mental deformities, gender, and the list goes on. Some people have suffered at the hands of others for no more reason than the misfortune of being born to abusive parents, drug addicts, mentally incompetents or in a war zone. Many of these people have overcome their abuse and don't try to use their suffering as some kind of badge of honor to gain special sympathy or consideration. Of course, many do and that is a sad fact.
"I wonder if you have an idea what it is like to grow up knowing your whole day is a lie, and that if you tell the truth, your whole world will collapse, and most everyone in it will reject you. In my senior year, when I did come out and tell everyone I was gay, I was beaten repeatedly in gym class, scorned and called fag by the popular girls, and rejected by my whole family, who refused to accept me. Teachers turned the other way when I was being mistreated and when I struck back I was punished to the max."
And you blame me or other straight women for this? Was I one of the students that beat you up in gym class? Was I one of those teachers who punished you? Was I your mother you turned against you? Did not a single man/boy inflict suffering on you? You were completely traumatized by the women in your life? I find that hard to believe, yet you would blame all your problems on women? I find that line of reasoning difficult to follow.
In case you were unaware of the fact, many kids were beaten up in gym class, called names, rejected by family, and otherwise abused by 'society' for a great many more reasons than the choice of their sexuality. Surely you don't believe that only gay children were treated in this way?
"So Ms. Bushnell, your letter doesn't surprise me. It is just like a straight women to define others but her own experience, an experience of being pampered and treated preferentially."
LOL! Now this is humorous. Perhaps you missed your history lessons as you were getting beat up so often. Women didn't even get the right to vote until 1920! Owning property, running a business, or any other freedoms were non-existent for a very long time. Yes, perhaps women were pampered -- but it was the equivalent of being pampered chattel, not being pampered as a free woman with all the rights that men enjoyed for centuries and which were denied women throughout history.
"To be very frank, I have little respect for the intelligence of straight women, and their fairy tale views of the world. Maybe when you go out in the world, and make your way like many gay women with out the financial support of a man, your opinion will hold more weight."
LOL! Frankly, I don't care whom you respect or don't. But what makes you believe that you hold special knowledge of me to even make such a ridiculous assumption? You think only gay women go forth in the world to support themselves???
Just what fantasy world are YOU living in?!
I quite agree with Ari -- the original subject of this discussion of Chris's work is the topic here, not the various whining about suffering. Gays don't have the exclusive right of suffering, neither do blacks, women, Orientals or any other group anyone cares to define. The world isn't a fair or just place at times. Every single individual has suffered something of some nature by virtue of elements beyond their control. That is life. What Objectivism offers is a way to change that, to make the world a more rational place where the rights of individuals are respected above all else -- where individual choices are respected so long as they don't violate the rights of others. You Myron, are free to hold any belief you want. It doesn't matter to me what you believe and I fully support your right to believe anything you wish, live any lifestyle you wish.
That is what we are all here for.
Or at the very least, that is what I am here for.
Joy :)