| | Sciaberra wrote: "[Anti-gay] brutality was practiced in such Communist countries as China, Russia, and Cuba, but it was also practiced in Hitler's Germany, where those notorious 'anti-Marxists,' the Nazis, discovered the virtue of the Pink Triangle as a way of identifying-and systematically murdering-homosexuals."
To claim the Nazis "systematically " murdered homosexuals is sheer casuistry. Scott Lively and Kevin Abrahams' excellent book "The Pink Swastika" demonstrates conclusively that the National Socialist police state was used by the militaristic bull queers who controlled the Nazi Party to eradicate the effeminate, womanish nancy boys whom they despised as enfeebled. Bogus accusations of homosexuality were also trumped up to marginalise and imprison political opponents.
Being an objectivist, it's hoped you're not one of those people who has no conception of evidence, but simply regards evidence as somebody else's opinion.
I'd suggest, Mr Sciaberra, that you acquaint yourself with the above book, and stop quoting inaccurate gay activist cant.
A number of assertions have been made by other commentators regarding various aspects of the homosexual lifestyle. As this is a lengthy thread, I won't trouble myself overly with going back through it to address these individually. Below is a general response.
It has been disputed that homosexuality is a dangerous and unsanitary lifestyle. Gay activist, Gabriel Rotello is certainly prepared to concede that it is.
In "Sexual Ecology," Rotello wrote, "gay men created almost laboratory conditions to amplify STDs within highly active core groups of individuals and spread these diseases throughout the gay population."
As detailing the ways in which AIDS and other STDs are spread among gay males invariably leads to accusations of closeted obsession with these practices, I'll refrain this time if you'll all hold the ad hominem arguments.
In any event, combined with the existence of core groups of men who engage in extraordinary levels of sexual behaviour, and high rates of sexual mixing between people in those core groups and the rest of the gay population, such practices often prove lethal.
According to US statistics, the average gay man has 36 different partners a year at commercial sex establishments (bars, saunas, bathhouses), at parks and in public toilets. Some have upwards of 1, 000.
Rampant infection with a bewildering array of pathogens is the inevitable result. The American Journal of Tropical Medical Hygiene reported as early as 1968 that certain gay communities had begun to display rates of STDs and gastrointestinal parasites equivalent to those of a third world slum in Uganda or Bangladesh.
In Surviving AIDS, Michael Callen wrote: "It wasn’t until I was officially diagnosed with AIDS that I faced squarely up to just how much sex and how much disease I’d had. I calculated that since becoming sexually active in 1973, I had racked up more than 3000 different sex partners in bathhouses, back rooms, meat racks and tearooms. As a consequence, I had already had the following STDs, many more than once: Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C; herpes simplex types I and II; venereal warts; amoebiasis including giardia lamblia and entomoeba histolytica; shigella flexnari and salmonella; syphilis; gonorrhea; non-specific urethritis; chlamydia; cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus; mononucleosis; and cryptosporidiosis."
In the interests of delicacy (and to afford the ignorant the amusement of looking them up), I won’t translate the more obscure diseases into plain language or explore their modes of transmission, but anyone interested can find them in a good dictionary of medical terminology. No wonder obituaries culled from gay magazines and journals show that many gay men die early deaths.
Gay apologists often claim that: "It isn’t possible to make of a man something he was not already inclined to." Isn’t it? According to noted US child sex abuse expert, David Finkelhor, "boys victimised by older men were over four times more likely to be currently engaged in homosexual sexual activity than were non-victims. The finding applied to nearly half the boys who’d had such an experience ... Further, the victims themselves often linked their homosexuality to their victimisation experiences."
(Of course, these kindly sodomites were just helping the kids to "come out," right?)
Evidence shows also that disproportionate numbers of gay men seek adolescent males or boys as sexual partners. Indeed, individuals from the 1 to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of all sex crimes against children.
This surely lends weight to parents’ fears that children may be molested, encouraged to become sexually active, or even "recruited" into adopting a homosexual identity and lifestyle if evangelical gay activists are allowed into schools and scoutmastering.
The original argument from gay activists was that what took place in private between consenting adults was their own business. I totally agree.
Now, they're demanding that their sexual behaviour be everybody's business, and branding those who object to homosexual lifestyles being thrust in the public's face at every turn "homophobic."
If you want to pack the fudge, just go do it, and stop loudly broadcasting it to everyone else all the time.You'll be surprised at how tolerant most people are if that's your approach to life.
It seems a lot of you are looking for validation for your homosexuality through objectivism. As stated in an earlier posting, objectively speaking, homosexuality is an evolutionary dead end. Heterosexual intercourse potentially creates life. Homosexual intercourse creates nothing but bacterial life.
All obejectivism does is validate anybody's right to go to hell in their own way as long as their interactions with others are engaged in volutarily and without force or fraud. It can never validate the objectively unsustainable as some of you would like it to.