| | MSK: >You gave me a great idea for an article of my own. I will see if I can make these ideas interesting without using jargon like reductionism, dualism, monism, materialism, idealism, representationalism, eliminativism, behaviorism, emergentism, fundamentalism, physicalism, your own determinism (sorry, she didn't discuss that one at all), the ever insidious epiphenomenalism and protopanpsychism.
Well in case you missed it, I did offer you a "zero-jargon" layman's overview of the topic myself in my previous post. My offer remains open.
MSK: >But this is an important issue...Let's take the covers off all this intellectual posturing and make the ideas interesting for non-technical people to read.
I agree. I personally do not agree with everything Hsieh says. I only recommend it as a start point for an Objectivist - such as yourself - who has little prior knowledge of the subject.
>Strangely enough, I found Nathaniel Branden's protopanpsychism speculation interesting...
I have to ask why. It appears to be a very minor variant of one of the oldest theories known to man. But I guess if you're starting from scratch, everything looks original.
MSK: >Your way (distilled from the arguments of yours I have read – the five senses part being mine): a. Physical things are perceivable by the five senses. b. Mental things are not perceivable by the five senses. Conclusion. Mental things are not physical... ...What this does is limit the definition of "physical" to what can be perceived by the five senses alone and leaves life out of the equation entirely.....I could go on, but I think you get the point. The logical error, i.e. contradiction, both you and Hsieh make is to...(etc etc)
Right, that does it. Having read this I think now is the time to have a little talk about "intellectual posturing".
Firstly, your "distillation' of my argument is completely erroneous. At no time have I made any such claims. This argument as presented above is idiotic, and I can think of no reason why you might attribute it to me other than it is just another egregious misreading on your part. After your last embarrassment, I would have thought you would be more careful. But clearly no.
Not your inane "interpretation" of it. Not your foolish "distillation" of it. WHERE I HAVE MADE IT.
So much for my (and apparently Hsieh's too) alleged "logical error". Heh, I'd just *love* to see what she'd make of your farrago. Do you think I should send it to her for comment?
Secondly: MSK, I find it incredible that you feel you are fit to lecture on "intellectual posturing". That you seem to think just because Hsieh, Branden, Binswanger, Piekoff, Kelly etc, and by extension Dennett, Penrose, Popper and any other writer on this complex and interesting probem - are "posturing" because they use *words you personally don't understand*. Words like, um, "determinism", for example. Not words that are incomprehensible - all those words actually apply to specific theories, if you know anything at all about the subject - but words *you* do not understand, simply because you *don't* know anything about the topic.
Now, what does this know-nothingness lead you to do? Exercise a little caution perhaps? Hardly - in fact quite the opposite. In this thread alone, you have not just once, but *twice* now attributed entirely silly views to people - myself, Laj, probably some others - that they clearly do not hold.
Both times you have done this on the basis of *no evidence*. The only thing you have been able to proffer is a single sentence you now admit you entirely *misread*. In fact, the only solid thing you've offered is *evidence to the contrary*!"
Further, after admitting this, you then *repeated* the accusation - still with no evidence that I or any other "fishies" hold this view!
Now I'm faced with you attributing yet another silly argument to me, once again on with no evidence whatsoever that I hold this view.
Finally, you now declare, having read *one* whole article on the subject - and even that on my recommendation - and having only learned the meaning of the word "determinism' literally yesterday (please, you have looked it up by now, haven't you?) you now declare you're going write some article that will blow "the covers" off the mind/brain problem! Frankly, I can't wait to see it. I fear such an article will blow "the covers" off one thing, and one thing only.
Bceause "intellectual posturing", MSK, means *pontificating about a complicated subject when you actually know nothing about it*.
If you are going to continue to lecture us all on this subject, please make sure that this term does not first and foremost apply to you.
- Daniel