| | The point, brother, is that it's not much of a story to tell in the first place.
Maybe consider it this way...
Africa is apparently where the seeds of most everything came from. Take a look at it now, take a look at it before. It's been exploited, fucked wiith, and abandoned. They have the highest AIDS spread on the planet. They are only twenty some years fresh from all the dandy fucking with the British did.
Now, we could go for the obvious: They Just Won't Learn<tm>, maybe. Well, I don't buy that. Maybe the teacher fucked up. What no one really talks about (at least in whitebread intellectual forums like this one) is the whole part about the matter-antimatter clash when The White Man landed back there. Keyword: we showed up. If you are into letting people be, that means (from their perspective) that invaders arrived, from an unknown distant shore. Those particular parties in question were, well, let's say they lacked a few social skills. They had the very same mindset as used in the term "primitive savages". That is not a very good place from which to start. It is called prejudice, and no, I don't give a shit about criticism involving "multiculturalism"- the white boys just didn't get it, and the answer was to move on with the business plan; that involved killing, land taking, chick raping, and other routine horrors associated with ignorant fucks. Mind you, doing so as guests in someone else's house. Even if you use a simple measure such as level of hygiene, I'm not sure who would have come out on top on that one, but I wouldn't be banking on the white boys.
All this is water under the bridge. It is over. I didn't do it, you didn't do it, and we can't undo it. A point is that it is not a place to take toehold for the glorification of Modern Man. Stick with The Enlightenment. Find something. Admit that our model of transformation has had grievous ups and downs, and that they involved senseless brutalities; brutalities that our, er, primitive savages hadn't even considered.
There is nothing to be proud of in all of this, on either side. It is old news, but at the same time, news that we repeat over, and over, and over again. There is no end to it.
On our planet, where civilization attempts to triumnph, it was only recently that we even agreed that water is a common human right. There are rights, you know, at least fucking water, when you're talking about other people taking it, and attempting to privatize it.
Primitive savages? They aren't shit! How about Attilla? There are sides to this argument, and Objectivism, in general, paints over them. They can't find a logical solution for moral outrages done before them. The Big Plan is supposed to be perfect, flawless! It isn't. Most things aren't.
rde New Offer!! Due to lack of response, we are even more in need of Negro Objectivists! Find me a Negro Objectivist, and I will pay you either Five Dollars, or .005 cents US per pound, whichever is greater!
(Edited by Rich Engle on 8/25, 12:21pm)