| | Chris wrote:
We also have some xenophobes here who call themselves the Minuteman Project.
Which means what? They are still subject to the laws of this nation and if they violate them they are subject to prosecution. End of story on that one.
Jonathan wrote but apparently has not finished mulling over the essentials of market anarchism yet:
As well as various gangs and organized crime organizations that operate without the consent, plus many private militias that are consitutionally protected.
Yes indeed. Organized crime and gangs. The very thing that requires a monopoly government to stop or at least mitigate. Yet anarchists somehow think by abolishing the use of force it would somehow stop gangs and crime organizations from stopping their activities? As Robert Bidinotto writes:
Most of the saner anarchist theorists contend that a "just" agency (or even an innocent victim) has the right to forcibly respond to an "aggressor." But in the marketplace, which is governed solely by profit incentives, who will define who is the "aggressor" and who the "victim"? Which "private defense agency" has the final authority to enforce its definitions against those used by other competing agencies--or against individual "hold outs" who disagree--or against all those who proclaim a "sovereign right" to "secede" from that agency's determination?
When push comes to shove--as it often will, anarcho-fantasies to the contrary notwithstanding--the "private defense agency" faces a basic choice. Either (a) it uses coercion to enforce its verdict upon the "hold out" (or upon "competing agencies"), or (b) it fails to enforce its verdicts.
If (a), then the "private defense agency" is coercively "eliminating the competition"--that is, it's behaving as a "legal monopoly on force," in exactly the same way that anarchists find morally intolerable when a government is doing it. In that case, the argument for the moral superiority (let alone moral purity) of anarchism's "private defense agency" collapses.
If (b), however, then the agency's pronouncements are toothless and impotent. In that case, all that anyone need do to evade the private agency's criminal laws, verdicts, and sentences, is simply to ignore them.
Since many anarchists have tried gamely to ignore this key point, let me make it harder for them by repeating it.
Folks, it's really either/or. Either "private defense agencies" enforce their laws, or they don't.
If they do enforce their laws, then (by anarcho-definitions) they're "coercively" imposing their private legal systems on their competitors. And there goes their claim to morality.
But if they don't enforce their laws, then criminals will remain free to prey with impunity upon innocent individuals. And there goes the neighborhood.
Anarchists simply cannot tap dance around this dilemma by such subterfuges and dodges as claiming, "Oh, but governments would be far worse than private agencies"--or "Historically, limited governments never remain 'limited'."
Again, the moral case for anarchism is not that it is less bad than government, or that governments historically have not acted properly. The core anarchist claim is that anarchism is inherently non-aggressive, while government is inherently aggressive.
But both aspects of this claim are utterly and completely false.
There is nothing "immoral" or "aggressive" about an institution having the final authority to render and enforce just verdicts, according to objective procedures and rules of evidence. The fact that verdicts--by their very nature as final legal decisions--must be enforced against "outlaws," is not aggression, but defense: the organized social defense of the rights of innocent individuals against their victimizers. And the fact that final enforcement of legally rendered verdicts necessarily precludes further "competition," or "secession" by dissenters, is not aggression, either: it's simply recognition of reality. After all, an unenforced rule is not a law, but merely a suggestion.
Experience tells us that criminals do not respond to mere suggestions.
I'm not going to say anything more on the subject matter. It's been beaten to death. Either anarchists come up with a solution to their logical and moral contradictions as Robert says or face being called insane delusional nutcases by me.