In Objectivity are these resources:
John Dewey
V1N3 6768, V1N6 73, 76, 8182, V2N4 118, V2N5 68, V2N4 118, V2N5 68
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
V1N3 98, V1N4 4243, V1N5 3, 10915, 118, V1N6 97, V2N3 120, V2N4 2
David Hume
Causality V1N3 1733, V2N1 100101, V2N5 100; Ideas V1N1 2426, V1N2 910, V1N3 16, 18, 27, V1N6 4243, V2N6 5759; Implicit Rationalism V1N3 3, 1618, 37; Induction V1N3 1, 1718, 2024, 3032, 3643, V1N5 138; Mathematics V1N2 910, V1N3 16; Morality V2N5 68; Rationality V1N3 1, 3637, 6061, V1N6 43; Self V1N6 15; Skepticism V1N3 1822, V1N6 42, V2N4 2; Time V1N3 1820; Will V2N3 8384
William James
V1N1 19, V1N5 46, V1N6 12, 2526, 73, 76, 7983, 85, 116, 133, V2N1 74, 115, 120, V2N3 96, 1012, 109,
V2N5 68, V2N6 41
Immanuel Kant
Causality V1N3 30, 35, V1N4 24, V2N1 13334, V2N2 7577, V2N4 102, V2N5 2124; Compatibilism V2N3 8485; Concepts V1N1 13, V1N3 62, V1N4 24, V2N1 13234, V2N2 73, 7577; Cosmology V2N3 61, V2N5 7, 2729; Esthetics V1N3 6566, 6970; Idealism V1N2 13, V1N3 41, 45, 6265, 81, V1N4 24, V2N2 7578, V2N3 8485, V2N5 1719; Knowledge V1N1 11, V1N2 1013, V1N3 6165, 70, 80, V1N4 2225, V1N5 119, V1N6 6061, 77, 94, V2N1 116, 13235, V2N2 36, 7381, 9799, V2N4 2, 1023, 19596, V2N5 911, 1314, 16, 1821, V2N6 149, 16263; Mathematics V1N1 11, V1N2 1013, 16, 28, V1N3 6364, V1N6 6061, V2N2 4, 80, V2N4 1023, V2N5 910, 1416, 1921; Metaphysics V2N5 13, 56, 1213, 1825; Morals V2N5 96, 98, 113, 115, 131, 133, 137; Physics V2N5 13, 512, 1829; Space V1N2 1013, V1N3 64, V1N4 24, V2N1 133, V2N2 7577, V2N4 1023, V2N5 13, 620, 2629, V2N6 16263
Astronomy V2N4 23; Aviary of Mind V1N5 45, V2N1 12324; Dialectic V2N4 5153 Difference and Sameness V1N4 49, V2N4 35, 50, V2N6 4344; Elements V1N6 42; Forms V1N2 1-2, V1N3 58, V1N5 109, V1N6 14, 60, 97, V2N1 106, V2N2 5963, 96, V2N4 2, 6, 10, 29, 3132, 35, 50, 109, V2N6 4344, 47; Goodness V2N3 2, 56, 12, 3536, V2N4 46, V2N5 96, 105, 126; Imagination V1N3 58; Perception V1N2 1, V2N1 124, 135, V2N2 6061, 96; Politics V2N4 4; Refutation by Incoherence V1N4 45; Truth V1N4 2, V1N6 87; Virtue V2N3 2
Others of likely interest:
Actions V1N3 9394, V1N4 49, V2N3 6; Art V1N2 69, V2N5 4749; Causality V1N3 23, 25, V2N1 31, 100, V2N3 2, 6, 8, 35, 84, 97, V2N4 21920, V2N5 109; Conscious Faculties V1N2 52, V1N3 5859, V2N2 6263, V2N3 42, V2N4 2830, 194; Definition V1N6 97, V2N6 4547; Difference and Sameness V1N4 4849, V2N6 4445, 61, 63; Friends V1N2 6768; Goodness V1N5 7, V1N6 138, V2N3 56, 32, 100, 102, V2N4 10910, 21823, V2N5 6768, 9697, 107, 110, 12021, 126, 132, 135, 13940; Happiness V1N6 13839, 169, V2N4 220; Induction V1N2 36, V1N3 26, V2N6 45; Knowledge V2N4 2834, 47, 5051, V2N6 4647, 74; Life V1N2 69, V1N5 7, V1N6 148, V2N2 138, V2N3 35; Mathematics V1N2 48, V2N4 30; Matter and Form V1N1 2627, V1N2 5, V1N3 45, V1N6 97, V2N4 6, 10, 223, V2N5 109; Non-Contradiction V1N2 33, V1N3 3, V1N4 26, 31, 33, 4550, V2N2 1, 34, V2N2 6364, V2N3 1; Physics V1N3 2829, V2N2 6364, 67, V2N3 35, V2N4 2223, 175, V2N5 6, 47; Poetry V2N3 43; Politics V1N6 142, V2N3 2, 119, V2N5 105; Propositions V1N4 41; Speech V1N4 4750; Substance V1N1 2627, V1N3 9, 45, V1N4 41, V2N2 6364; Syllogism V1N4 45, V2N4 14, 30; Truth V1N4 13, 8, 45, V1N5 119, 12223, 126, V1N6 84, 87, 97, 100, V2N2 11516, V2N4 194; Wisdom V1N3 9394, V2N3 2, 1415
Epicurus V1N5 70, V2N3 342, 77, 103, V2N4 1528, 4950, 54, 20510, 21325, V2N5 110
Renι Descartes
Animal Automata V1N2 51, 60; Cogito V1N2 35, V1N4 35, V1N6 13, V2N1 135; Dualism V1N2 51, V1N6 89, 29, V2N1 93, 106, V2N2 17, V2N3 83, 93; Error V2N1 12730, V2N4 196; Free Will V2N1 12730; God V2N1 12729, V2N2 17, 23, 72, V2N4 2; Knowledge V1N4 35, V1N6 60, 7879, 81, V2N1 12730, V2N2 72; Numbers V1N1 45; Physics V1N3 29, V2N2 1724, 2628, V2N3 5051, 63, 66, V2N5 4; Prior Certainty of Consciousness V1N2 60, V1N4 35, V1N6 13; Skepticism V1N2 35, V1N4 3839; Space V2N2 1721; Universals V1N6 16
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Logic V1N2 89, 15, V1N4 1516, V2N2 6667; Mathematics V1N1 4; V1N2 89, 15, 34, V1N4 1617, V1N6 69, V2N2 1079, V2N6 5657; Metaphysics V1N2 89, 3435, V1N4 15, 17, 63, 6667, 73, V2N1 119, V2N2 6568, 73, 76, 10517, V2N3 6369, 18486, V2N5 13; Phenomena V1N4 1516, V2N2 73, V2N3 6364, 70, V2N5 1; Physics V2N2 22, 27, 107, V2N3 6972, V2N5 4, 10; Psychology V1N2 55, V1N4 15; Reason V1N2 8, 3435, V1N4 1417, V1N6 76, 100, V2N2 7273, V2N3 6466, 68, V2N4 195, V2N6 5556, 65; Space V2N3 6372
John Locke
Action V2N1 130; Ideas V1N1 24, V1N4 913, 15, V1N5 119, V1N6 16, 29, V2N1 39, V2N2 7273, V2N6 5255, 68, 11516; Knowledge V1N4 1213, V1N6 60, V2N1 130, V2N4 2, V2N5 82, V2N6 5455, 64; Realism V2N6 5255, 64; Self V1N6 13, 16, 29, V2N3 99; Substance V1N4 12, V2N6 54
Charles Sanders Pierce
V1N6 7379, 8082, V2N1 4243, V2N2 117, V2N4 108, V2N5 68
Ayn Rand
Art V1N2 6871, V1N5 23, V1N6 108, 154, 157, 168, V2N3 11718, 13543, V2N5 34, 40, 5062, 87, V2N6 200204; Concepts V1N1 16, 23, 2425, 2829, 31, 3334, V1N2 2223, 36, 43, 5657, 68, 9597, 102, V1N3 7981, V1N4 3238, 5154, V1N5 132, 146, V1N6 14, 1619, 58, 62, 85, 9699, 1079, 11718, 134, 156, V2N1 97, 1034, 106, V2N2 46, 13, 76, V2N3 22, 61, V2N4 13940, V2N5 3738, 4143, 4546, 57, V2N6 6, 6370, 9192, 98; Consciousness V1N2 53, 55, 6061, 63, V1N4 3439, 5961, V1N5 2930, 35, 42, 132, V1N6 12, 19, 85, 103, 1079, 117, 15758, 161, V2N1 64, 9798, 11821, V2N3 2023, 99102, V2N4 19596, V2N5 134, V2N6 34, 32, 38; Language V1N1 16, 29, 36, V1N2 57, V1N3 81, V1N6 29, 64, 109, 11718, V2N5 40, 63, V2N6 6, 69; Metaphysics V1N1 1112, V1N2 23, 3335, 97, V1N3 4546, V1N4 3137, 4345, 5253, 5961, V1N5 3, 13, 30, 35, 69, V1N6 18, 9699, 103, 108, 113, 143, 151, 169, V2N1 125, V2N2 4, 78, 1012, 76, 101, 107, 11516, 13135, V2N3 1719, 35, 4041, 61, 64, V2N4 18485, 224, V2N5 56, 61, V2N6 3, 208; Psychology V1N2 60, 6774, V1N3 7881, V1N5 34, 4244, 4951, 54, 69, 83, V1N6 1014, 27, 2931, 1039, 112, 11516, 11920, 12627, 13334, 146, 15964, 176, V2N1 70, 74, 115, 12021, V2N2 42, V2N3 2030, 43, 1012, 11718, 147, V2N4 13940, 175, V2N5 8183, 8588, V2N6 12, 19497, 2034; Similarity V1N1 2829, 3132, V1N6 1719, 156, V2N2 5, V2N6 6468, 7173, 91 Value V1N4 85, V1N5 47, 2324, 41, V1N6 1089, 13769, 176, V2N1 106, V2N2 37, V2N3 14, 1733, 3435, 4244, 99102, V2N4 20510, 213, 21624, V2N5 4546, 61, 6791, 110, 13132, 13435, V2N6 194, 203, 2056, 208, 210, 21516, 21926, 22932
Baruch Spinoza
V1N4 1722, V2N1 110, 127, 13032, 135, V2N2 105, 184, V2N5 121