| | Presumably, Gigi, your nuke-happy friends aren't major candidates?
I'm still a bit confused as to what the issue is. I don't think there's anyone of influence who simply wants to, say, nuke Iran flat with 25-megaton yield H-bombs. There is, however, a good case for us taking out their nuclear program immediately, et que Dieu le benisse a M. Sarkozy for speaking openly of war with Iran if they do not toe the line. Would it count as going nuclear if we take out their nuclear plants using conventional bombs? Would it matter if we do so using nuclear bunker-busters? And rumors are swirling that the recent Israeli strikes against Syria were to take out North Korean weapons.
So far as I can tell, it is not the weapons of choice but the fact that we are already at war that really matters now. I understand that Paul wants no war without a declaration. As a member of Congress, has he submitted any such declaration? He need not wait til he's in the White House to do so. Is Paul calling for a declaration of war now? I don't like the fact that we haven't had a declared war since WWII, but the Supreme Court has upheld the "authorization of force" euphemism and thrown out every challenge to the various war powers acts. The fact is that while we have been shameful cowards afraid to use the proper name for the real thing, the President is still subject to Congressional oversight. It is that moribund body that needs to return to statecraft as its practice rather than the nannystate as its focus.
Unless circumstances change significantly, the choice a year from now will be between Giuliani, a proven budget cutting hawk who will not see war as a means to any other end, and Clinton, who will gladly be just as bi a hawk, riding the crest of popularity that will give her to push her domestic agenda through. Giuliani is not going to seize handguns any more than Reagan was ever going to outlaw abortion. I look at the idealistically pure (and since never tested, blameless) Ron Paul and think he's as appealing and squeaky clean as Jimmy Carter.
Ted Keer