| | [Michael, I am not specifically responding to you here; surely, you are not the original author of the often made statement "We live in a global society." I hold you harmless for what you are repeating. I am responding to the societal bumper sticker below:]
"We live in a global society." is one way to characterize what we do; a totalitarian religious way.
If I am to understand the words 'We' and 'a' juxtoposed with 'global,' then surely, the same statements as "We live in the global society." Unless what is meant by the above is "There are many global societies, and we all live in one of them." But that just begs the question: what 'we' is being referred to in that statement? Those in the room with you right now, or all of 'us,' everywhere?
We all live in one or more societies, plural, we all participate in one or more economies, plural. Some of those societies and economies are inter-related to greater or lessor degrees, and some not at all. My older sister, the life-long alcoholic, although she lives within 25 miles of me, in no meaningful way participates in either the same societies or economies that I do, except in the most meaningless and trivial fashion: we share nominal proximity in a thin layer of the atmosphere near a particular regional surface area of the planet. She and I each choose our socius via free association, and in our case, they do not overlap in any meaningful sense.
Lather, rinse, repeat. I could repeat global anecdotes from Qatar, Chile, Bangladesh, and all over the world. But what is true of my own sister is for sure true of those that are not my siblings.
I've noticed this in spite of the indoctrination I've been exposed to nearly non-stop from the moment of my birth. My 'socialization' began the moment I was aware. I was lectured to constantly about 'S'ociety and 'the economy' until after decades and decades, of course The Matrix is real. How can any of us even doubt it?
"It" is all I've ever heard of. Of course "It" must exist. 'We' don't even have 'the' wetbits to challenge "it"s existence, cannot access 'the' machinery necessary not to see that which we take as 'a' given, as real as the planet itself and the air we breath, precisely because 'we' have been so thoroughly socialized.
'We' might not have that ability. However I do. And so do you.
The presumption, the intellectual bias that we live in 'the' society, or participate in 'the' economy, as opposed to 'a' society of many, or the economies, falsely leads us away from understanding of complex systems, not towards understanding. Observing that some societies and some economies can be inter-related and can interact with each other is not the same as asserting 'there is just one of them.' Yet that assertion is vigorously and effectively sold to us from birth as part of a religious campaign based on tribal religious sensibilities.
There is no meaningful singular global 'it' that you and I can or any one like us can control, speak for, mold, guide, improve, regulate, manage, shepherd, govern in a rational manner, with singular wants, goals, needs, desires, capabilities. The religious fervor belief that there is, or should be, is what endlessly gives us the Hitlers and Stalins and Pol Pots and Wars of the We in general. It is the hubristic act of asserting that there is one of them, and that some Penguin armed constructivist can control 'it' and steer it in 'the' direction that causes the most blind damage to the most societies and the most economies, to the extent that they are inter-related. It is an over-bound solution to a non-existing system control problem; they are systems, not 'the' system.
The fundamental religious question is not "Why are we here, and what are we supposed to be doing now as a result of that?" Posing that fundamental meta-question of religion in that OneSizeFitsAll form is exactly an invitation to endless war on earth.
The fundamental religious question is "Why am I here, and what am I supposed to be doing now as a result of that?" and there are billions of answers to that question in a free world, not just one for all of us in a totalitarian world.