| | Eva:
As for daffy-nitions, mine for socialism is basic textbook, per Wiki,
Well, Wiki is Wiki: the egalitarianism of knowledge, pure democracy rearing its on average, we're average, head.
Much more fundamental to a definition of 'socialism' is a definition of politics: per 'Wiki:'
Politics (from Greek: politikos, meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance — organized control over a human community, particularly a state. A variety of methods are employed in politics, which include promoting one's own political views among people, negotiation with other political subjects, making laws, and exercising force, including warfare against adversaries. Politics is exercised on a wide range of social levels, from clans and tribes of traditional societies, through modern local governments, companies and institutions up to sovereign states, to the international level.
What a confused spewing of drivel; for instance, how does the same definition meander from 'influencing other people on a civic or individual level' to 'warfare against adversaries?'
Let's not be harsh on the on average, we're average egalitarian mud wrestling mess that is Wiki; UNESCO posits on its website for educators the thought that 'there is no widely accepted definition of the word 'politics' -- before, by necessity, providing their own.
Examples have been 'the art and science of governance...the art and science of who gets what...and a load of attempts that circularly refer to 'political.'
My definition of the word politics: the art and science of getting what we want from others using any means short of actual violence; the superset that includes violence I define as 'mega-politics.'
"What we want from others" might be anything: their vote, their love, their consent, validation for the parking of our soul, their money, carnal knowledge, the TV remote, Kuwait, or the most difficult thing to obtain in a graceless seething mass of peers, many of whom are overwhelmed with their childish existential fears and atavistic fealty to their herd mentality genes, 'to be left alone to live in peace except under a model of free association, peer to peer.'
All examples of 'what we want from others', but not symmetric wants; what rapists 'want from others' is not what the rape victims 'want from others;' the distinguishing characteristic is free vs forced association. Keep that clearly in sight, and 'political' arguments cleanly sort themselves into the rapist/slaveowners wanabee pile and the libertarian pile.
This is as broad a meta-definition as I can come up to encompass all that has been accused of being politics(like 'personal politics' and 'sexual politics' and 'gender politics' and so on.)
This is why I forgive the two fourth year politSci students -- one from Duke, one from Syracuse, who both acted like I had C4 strapped to my chest when I asked them for their working knowledge of the word 'politics.' I didn't ask for 'the' definition, because there is no widely accepted 'the' definition, only instances of definitions. I only asked for their working definitions.
Whatever politics is or isn't, apparently it is something that can be studied as a 'science' for four years and still not have the first f'n clue how to define. But the reason for that is -political-: when pumping out instructoids, the last thing in the world that needs to happen is actual education.