(So, Luke, granted that how you vote is nobody's business, have you ever voted for Bill Nelson?) I have no problem with objective requirements for voting. I think that postive requirements - poll tax, civics and citizenship knowledge tests, etc., etc. - have more merit than prohibitions. For instance, felony disenfranchisement is problematic. The explanation in Starship Troopers is that when you vote, you call upon the full power of the state do your bidding, and no one should be allowed to do that who does not understand the consequences. I point out that in the 6th century BCE and forward, the citizens of Greek cities who voted to go war were the men who would fight in the war. We might consider applying that to our own government. Alternately, it might be argued that no one directly employed by a govenrment should be allowed to vote in elections at that level or in that jurisdiction of govenment. Police, teachers, and others would not be allowed to vote in those elections. The problem with disenfranchising public school teachers is that taxes for schools are collected by both local and state governments. So, they might actually be allowed vote in county and township elections, but not city or state. It gets complicated. What if you work for Boeing? If a company sells to a government, should the employees be barred from voting in elections for that jurisdication? Again, it gets overly complicated. That is why I prefer positive requirements rather than prohibitions. As for welfare and voting ... Should people on social security or people with kids in public schools be allowed to vote? Steve jumped on the USPS and I agree that no on picks candidates who promise low-cost postage, but that concrete was only illustrative of the problem. It is wider than that, as I trust that everyone knew. Voting and the Public LargessA Bipartisan Nation of Beneficiaries http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2012/12/18/a-bipartisan-nation-of-beneficiaries/ The survey also finds that most Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The issue of entitlements moved to center stage during the 2012 presidential campaign. The survey finds that among those who voted for President Obama last month, 59% say they’ve benefited from a major entitlement program. It also finds that 53% of those who supported Mitt Romney have benefited from a major entitlement program.
The politics and demographics of food stamp recipients http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2013/07/12/the-politics-and-demographics-of-food-stamp-recipients/ "The share of food stamp beneficiaries swells even further when respondents are asked if someone else living in their household had ever received food stamps. According to the survey, about three in ten Democrats (31%) and about half as many Republicans (17%) say they or someone in their household has benefitted from the food stamp program." Statistical Correlations of GDP Per Capita, Welfare, and Voting by State Posted on November 10, 2012 by jsphfrtz http://jsphfrtz.com/statistical-correlations-of-gdp-per-capitawelfare-and-voting-by-state/ Arizona | Bush | Bush | McCain | Romney | Kentucky | Bush | Bush | McCain | Romney | Maine | Gore | Kerry | Obama | Obama | Michigan | Gore | Kerry | Obama | Obama | Missouri | Bush | Bush | McCain | Romney | Montana | Bush | Bush | McCain | Romney | New Mexico | Gore | Bush | Obama | Obama | Tennessee | Bush | Bush | McCain | Romney | West Virginia | Bush | Bush | McCain | Romney |
And, finally, we have the states we all whine about. The places with the lowest GDP per capita (meaning they pay less money into the system by way of taxes) and high welfare recipience (meaning they take more from welfare, compared to what they pay in). This is where the conventional wisdom falls down. While 37% are states who vote Democrat, 63% vote Republican! So everyone talking about how the win for Obama is because of people who want to not work and take handouts and mooch off the government…that’s just nonsense! 63% of the states that do that vote Republican! Consistently! http://jsphfrtz.com/statistical-correlations-of-gdp-per-capitawelfare-and-voting-by-state/