
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 0

Saturday, May 14, 2011 - 6:24pmSanction this postReply
I've got another one.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the IMF, is against the collectivization of financial risk throughout the world (and throughout the European Union in particular). Statist-Collectivists -- such as our own current Pres. Obama -- who are trying to take over the world, cannot afford to have someone in such a key position thinking that way. At least not outspokenly. This explains why he was just snatched-up today -- at the airport -- on charges of sexual assault in New York.

C'mon ... admit it. I'm pretty good at this stuff, aren't I? Anyway, if the heads of major, major departments keep "unexpectedly" changing and whatnot, sooner or later some of you are going to have to start to believe me about this kind of stuff.



Dec. 2010 Charlie Rose interview of Dominique Strauss-Kahn
[3rd minute into video]
Charlie Rose:
Is it [a EuroBond] the right answer but ... too complicated?
Dominique Strauss-Kahn:
Not only too complicated ... it's politically very difficult. Because it means that decisions would be made at the center, which will overcome the sovereignty of nations. Many ... may feel that ... the right way to go, but it's really a political choice. And until now, this [choice] just hasn't been made. The different countries -- Germany, France, Italy -- are still maintaining some freedom of their own decisions. And, especially in Germany, but not only in Germany, the man in the street is very keen to keep this sovereignty ... at home. So I think it's going to be very difficult for them to build something like this, especially at the moment, when it appears that it will be used for bailing out some other countries not having the same virtues in their economic behavior [as] the Germans, for instance.

Post 1

Sunday, May 15, 2011 - 5:18amSanction this postReply
Well, the cases of Eliot Spitzer and Bill Clinton certainly suggest that great responsibility can be compartmentalized. Smart people can do stupid things. But I agree that - as in the case of Julian Assange - any charge like this is too easy to make and too hard to defend against.

Post 2

Sunday, May 15, 2011 - 11:31amSanction this postReply

As an isolated charge, perhaps. Let me ask you this:

Let's say it doesn't stop with just the 2 largest, secret-police organizations in this country (FBI & CIA heads) and just the largest, or 2nd largest, financial surveillance group in the world (World Bank vs. IMF?). Let's say that the head of the World Bank was also snatched up in our country (under Obama), say, on charges of insider trading or something. And let's say that the U.N. delegates had a meeting in this country, and they, too, were also snatched up (under Obama), say, on various, sundry charges.

Now, what would we have? We would have the strongest military state in the world, with a Marxist president, snatching up all key players in the world, and bringing "unexpected" charges against them. Because they were from different countries, they'd have to be sent to Gitmo (our version of "the Gulag").

Would you believe me then? Or would even that much data not be enough for you?

Would you have to physically see Pres. Obama ordering the world to come together under him, before believing that he is very likely involved in the kind and level of flagrant, heads-of-state skullduggery characteristic of Stalin's protracted "house-cleaning"? Would Obama have to literally declare that anyone openly disagreeing with the State should be shot, before you would believe me?

Where is the "line" for you?


p.s. If you were in Soviet Russia back then (when Stalin had just taken power), and you noticed that various heads-of-state were getting charges against them, or simply disappearing, or being replaced suddenly by new people from the outside -- would you have said:

"Don't worry about it. This kind of a thing, where top players in top positions are moved back into or out of their usual positions at alarming rates, isn't something to be concerned about. I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation why Trotsky had to go to the Gulag. I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation why all the Bolsheviks have gone missing ...
[not sure if I'm getting history right, but I believe it was Trotsky (and the Bolsheviks) whom Stalin "orchestrated" disappearances for]


Post 3

Friday, May 20, 2011 - 10:11amSanction this postReply
I'm on a roll recently ...

Okay, so here is the rub. I'm listening to the radio and this advertisement comes on, talking about how you can win a free car just by the push of a button! Now that sounds too good to be true, and when I think that something sounds to good to be true, I come to one of two conclusions:

a) if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true
b) if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true ... and, there is an evil statist dictator scheming behind it all

In this case, I opted for option (b).

Okay, so you have this car company that makes this device that can track you: OnStar. That's the start-point. Then you add an evil, statist dictator who is really very interested in domestic spying (all evil, statist dictators are very interested in domestic spying), whom we can refer to in short as the ESD. The ESD takes over 51% of the car company (GM) which can track you, and puts a government bureaucrat on the board of GM.

But there is one more thing that the ESD needs to seal the deal -- he needs some participation from the citizen-subjects.

Now, with the chance of winning a brand-new Corvette, millions of folks may willingly go along with the ruse. The advertisement repeated:
Just push your blue, OnStar button, and you may win a brand new car!

Once the millions of people willingly enter the so-called "sweepstakes," then their identites and locations get recorded and they are moved into or out of a "potential state-enemy" list.


Post 4

Friday, May 20, 2011 - 4:42pmSanction this postReply
Ed, you give Barack Obama way too much credit.  Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi are among those who represent the real rulers.  They are advocates, admittedly partisans, but professionals, nonetheless who broker deals. 

There are many artistic renderings of the world machinery.  Even calling it "machinery" is an analogy that hides more than it reveals.

The Occult Technology of Power (1974) suggests one view of the rulers of the world.  They give up a lot of personal pleasure to hold power, but they do hold power.

Secondarily, the power of the lords of money rests on an occult knowledge in the area of politics and history. We have quite successfully corrupted these sciences. Although many people are familiar with our secrets through such books as 1984 by the disillusioned George Orwell, few take them seriously and usually dismiss such ideas as paranoia. Since real politics is motivated by individual self-interest, history is viewed most accurately as a struggle for power and wealth We do our best to obscure this self-evident truth by popularizing the theory that history is made by the impersonal struggles between ideas, political systems, ideologies, races, and classes.  Through systematic infiltration of all major intellectual, political, and ideological organizations, using the lure of financial support and instant publicity, we have been able to set the limits of public debate within the ideological requirements of our money power.
The so-called Left-Right political spectrum is our creation. In fact, it accurately reflects our careful, artificial polarization of the population on phony issues that  ...
Until our techniques can be perfected the use of "zombies" must be restricted to "national dramas" designed to justify the growing power of our centralized governments over the lives of our people. Most suicidal radicals and "crazies" who so mysteriously avoid arrest for years at a time are "zombies" conditioned to terrorize the public in the name of some irrational ideology. After repeated doses of such terror, the public is conditioned to accept the necessity of our intrusive police state with very little objection.
You can find The Occult Technology of Power online in many places.

ET: Where is the "line" for you?

Ed, even if I had a line and it were crossed, what would you have me do, except live my own life as best I can given the time and place into which I was born.  I thought of emigrating many times.  Would I be better off in capitalist nations such as Hong Kong or Taiwan or Singapore? 
I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation why Trotsky had to go to the Gulag. I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation why all the Bolsheviks have gone missing ...[not sure if I'm getting history right, but I believe it was Trotsky (and the Bolsheviks) whom Stalin "orchestrated" disappearances for]
You are woefully ignorant of history, comrade.  Lev Bronshtein ("Trotsky") was not sent to a gulag.  He was deported first to Turkey, then, in turn, finding asylum in France, Norway and Mexico.  Among his benefactors were Trygve Lie (first secretary general of the UN), French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier and Mexican President Lázaro Cárdenas.  He as assassinated in Mexico City by an agent of the NKVD.  He was specifically not sent to Siberia in point of fact because like so many revolutionaries arrested by the Czarist police, he had proved himself adept at escaping from Siberia.  Off hand, I would say that Trotsky is to Obama as Fritz Lang is to Michael Moore.

Post 5

Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 1:15amSanction this postReply
Ed, you give Barack Obama way too much credit.  
He may only be a mouth-piece or figure-head. If that is so, then take my criticism as it is directed toward him and him alone as being only for literary expediency. In other words, in pointing at him for criticism, I am merely pointing at the figure-head of a really-existing snake.

By the way, interesting stuff on: The Occult Technology of Power
Ed, even if I had a line and it were crossed, what would you have me do, except live my own life as best I can given the time and place into which I was born.
I'm glad you asked. There are several things that I would have you do. One example would be for you to refrain from buying a car with OnStar; and if you own one, sell it.


 It may also be prudent to visualize yourself as a Soviet citizen (with the advantage of hindsight) and think of all the insulating/protecting things that you could engage in. For instance, don't ever give the government your bank account number (even if you owe them money and they ask for the account number). Also, never agree to spy on your neighbor -- even if the government is paying cash rewards. I think you get my point. Heck, you may already be engaging in such self-preservational habits. If so, then this information is for the third party reader to consider.
Would I be better off in capitalist nations such as Hong Kong or Taiwan or Singapore?
Good question.
You are woefully ignorant of history, comrade.  Lev Bronshtein ("Trotsky") was not sent to a gulag. 
Okay, but Stalin did "orchestrate" a "disappearance" for Trotsky, just like I said:
He as assassinated in Mexico City by an agent of the NKVD

So my main point was right, but with some incorrect, inconsequential details.


(Edited by Ed Thompson on 5/21, 1:15am)

Post 6

Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 5:31amSanction this postReply
Ed, allowing that you have the facts wrong, but your theme is right, what is it that you are trying to say?

By definition a conspiracy theory holds that events are caused by actors other than those popularly assigned to them; further that even as the actors are known, their motives are other than those publicly stated.

Where is the surprise? You can find this in Herodotus and Thucydides, Plutarch and Suetonius. Long ago, I saw a production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in modern dress... in case anyone did not get message the first time...

If you liked The Occult Technology of Power, you will also enjoy The Illuminatus! Trilogy. Wikipedia has a good summary of the Trilogy and its impact on modern culture. The Da Vinci Code, The Golden Compass, and many other offshoots of The Principia Discordia (1958) by Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley are themselves a kind of industry. In a sense, they can be considered a long undercurrent. Respected academic historian Richard Hofstadter wrote The Paranoid Style in American Politics as a result of the McCarthy Hearings. The Protocols of Zion were a known hoax (or not) at the time. Hofstadter pointed to the Know-Nothings, the Masonic and Anti-Masonic trends through the early 19th century.

There are practical events that give evidence to this. Here in Michigan, Detroit was founded by the French in 1704. Despite changes of hands, it remained largely Catholic. Even when the Irish arrived in 1848, they were the second wave from the Old Sod, not the first. Realize that at that time - until 1841 - the State of Massachusetts collected taxes for the Congregational Church. So, it seemed logical to Detroiters that "public education" would mean tax support for Catholic schools. Not so. The anti-Catholic Know-Nothing anti-conspiracy conspiracy prevented that.

During the run-up to the Civil War, through it, and after, some Masonic lodges helped runaway slaves while others planned for the Confederacy; and then some saw Reconstruction as Enlightenment (Bavarian Illuminati); and others formed the "hidden circles" of the "kyklix" the so-called Ku Klux Klan. The thing with conspiracies is that you never know who your friends are.

The Illuminati, the Masons, the Jesuits,... believe what you want. I think that when Bill Gates and George Soros and other parvenus show up at Davos, the butlers and maids are really the actual ruling class in disguise checking them out to see who will be admitted to the Inner Circle.

Then, there is the Dalai Lama ...

I assure you, Ed, you will not even get close to the truth until you can see the fnords. They will only show the way out and away, not the way in. Fnords are like that.

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Post 7

Saturday, May 21, 2011 - 5:37pmSanction this postReply

Are you sure you're not Ted Keer in disguise?


Post 8

Sunday, May 22, 2011 - 1:06amSanction this postReply
Well, Sam, Ted and I have never been seen together. You would have to go to the Popper Thread to determine whether or not that non-event has meaning.

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Post 9

Sunday, May 22, 2011 - 6:57amSanction this postReply
I miss Ted.

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Post 10

Sunday, May 22, 2011 - 10:16amSanction this postReply
I sure as hell do not miss Ted.

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Post 11

Sunday, May 22, 2011 - 10:33pmSanction this postReply
Ted sometimes reached out to me by RoRmail. It was heart-warming and it reminded me that he is a person, not just a makeshift avatar that spits out always-intelligent -- though sometimes boorishly so -- paragraphs of interesting information. In spite of my fierce disagreements with him -- re: religion and animal cognition (which may actually have a common denominator, now that I think about it), and his overbearing neoconservative "plastering" of this site during the residency/presidency of Bush-the-Younger, and his overbearing use of pictures and movies -- I am convinced he has good character.

In fact, if I had to make a list of 50 possible choices of different people that I may have to get deserted with on some desert island, Ted Keer would be on that list. And that's not because I only happen to know 50 people, either. ... I know at least 60 people.


Just kidding. Actually, I know hundreds and hundreds of people, and Ted would be in my "Top-50". Sure, we'd argue about whether horses can experience "happiness" like humans can, and about whether it's "proper religion" to think that Jesus was perfect -- but then we'd throw coconuts at each other and eventually laugh about it.


(Edited by Ed Thompson on 5/22, 10:34pm)

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Post 12

Monday, May 23, 2011 - 6:45amSanction this postReply
If you want to add this thread to the fabric of your conspiracy theories, ask what is accomplished when people who like each other fall out over ideology. I agreed with all of your criticisms of Ted Keer - and your praise for him But Ayn Rand taught us to psychologize philosophical issues.

You mentioned Leon Trostky and that sent me back to forgotten studies. Stalin, of course, consolidated his political power by removing competitors. However, realize that Trotsky was a Menshevik: he opposed Lenin and the Bolsheviks. Then, Lenin put him in charge of the army. Marxism knew no shortage of intense disagreements and denunciations, but also, those intellectuals recognized the importance of dialectic and debate. We do not.

The Rand-Branden split validated repeated excommunications until it became an element of Objectivist culture. You are not really an active Objectivist unless you have been kicked off someone's discussion board.

But if you understand that under Stalin, Standard Oil took leases on Russian wells, while Ford and IBM did business with Germany, then you see why a "capitalist" philosophical school would use excommunication as a tool of intellectual inquiry.

I once met a right wing populist who told me that Ayn Rand had been the mistress of both Clarence Carson and Leonard E. Read. He said that the capitalist ruling class paid her to write Atlas Shrugged as their plan to destroy true democracy and replace it with a plutocratic dictatorship.

The fatal flaw was that Ayn Rand's Nietzschean influence meshed well with H. L. Mencken's anti-establishment polemics. (Mencken had worked to have We the Living published.) As a result, rather than a pro-business fascism in service to Prescott Bush and the conservative putschists, Rand sang the praises of complete laissez faire.

Thus, when the globalist factions infused the youth generation of the 1960s with resources to challenge the holdings of the nationalists, Ayn Rand's ideas were picked up. At the 1965 convention of the Buckleyite Young Americans for Freedom, opposition to the war in Viet Nam and to the draft both had to be defeated on the floor. Libertarianism was born.

That presented a problem.

As an open system of thought - more a state of mind than a program - libertarians were a direct threat to the established order. The Civil Rights movement rescued Henry David Thoreau from obscurity. Libertarians advocated tax revolt and even anarchy ("anarcho-capitalism") which was totally unacceptable to the Bush Faction of conservatism. However, Ayn Rand remained a loyal Republican, in part because despite her laissez faire ideology, she adopted America with the fervor of a convert, even writing a Textbook of Americanism.

Thus, Rand denounced Ralph Waldo Emerson as a "small mind" for his aphorism that "foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds." Consistency, of course, is the sine qua non of Objectivism. There can be no honest differences of opinion.

How does this serve the conspiracy of the ruling class?

It deprives the anti-establishment libertarian movement, which is essentially universalist and globalist, of an engine of intellectual discovery. Any study of history shows that classical Athens, Renaissance Florence, and Silicon Valley all prospered not at all because of their natives, but because of their immigrants - the infusion of new ideas drew people with new ideas. Intellectual ferment creates the innovations, inventions, and enterprises of "creative destruction" causing unpredicted (unpredictable) change.

The American national ruling class - the Rockefellers and the Bushes - do not want unpredictable change ... and certainly not of global proportions.

Thus, there has been a shift in alliance, with Japan pushed aside for China. The Chinese state-capitalist gerontocracy is a better ally. In fact, near 100 years of age John D. Rockefeller was kept alive with human milk. It is understandable that he would want to stay alive - "All I own for one more day," were the last words of England's Elizabeth I - but the extraordinary measures are temperamentally suited to a gerontocracy that uses capital punishment of petty criminals to keep a supply of organs for transplant. George W. Bush may live to see the year 2200.

As will Barack Obama. A product of Harvard, President Obama is the fair-haired boy of the nationalist ruling class, the perfect paw to use against the globalists. Like Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, Barack Obama serves the Rockefeller-Bush junta whose wealth - now so far flung - still comes largely from oil. That is why the new General Electric's new CEO Jeffrey R. Immelt works with the White House to tout the Chevy Volt, an "electric" vehicle with a gasoline engine.

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Post 13

Monday, May 23, 2011 - 8:45pmSanction this postReply
Jeezus, Mike:
[boorishly-intelligent post running down several tangents all at the same time]
I said that I missed Ted, not that I wanted a replacement!



Post 14

Tuesday, July 17, 2012 - 7:00pmSanction this postReply
A little while ago, a news story ran that said you'd better clean-out your computer:


A had a little twinge in my mind at the time, but didn't say anything. Now (after July 9), I've noticed a change in the amount of tracking cookies I'm routinely detecting from visiting certain websites. Before July 9, I would notice that after visiting certain websites, that I'd detect tracking cookies that were sent to my computer. Now, after visiting the same websites, I don't detect those cookies. Two immediate explanations come to mind:

1) Those websites decided to "get a conscience" and to "go straight" and to just stop sending out those darn tracking cookies.

2) The "July 9" scare-story was part of a covert government plan to get people to clean-out their computers in a certain time-window while their computers were being closely monitored by government thugs and, because the thugs could see which cookies your security system detected and cleaned out, then the thugs also gained knowledge about which cookies your security system failed to detect and clean out (pushing the door wide open for them to send the "undetected" cookies out to your computer).

Anway, I'm no longer detecting tracking cookies, even though I'm visiting the same sites as before.


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