| | The people of Zorb were told that knowledge is absolute. Each of them, of course, perceived pretty much the same but also somewhat differently as everyone else. One person liked purple and green together; another hated it. As knowledge is absolute, it was obvious that one of them was wrong. Both thought that was the other person.
If knowledge is absolute, then morality is absolute. Moral compromise is impossible - in fact, self-destructive.
So, the people of Zorb fell into immediate chaos from the war of all against all, each one unwilling and unable to morally surrender their absolute knowledge.
... meanwhile... on another planet in far away ... The people of Broz enjoyed stories around the campfire and rewarded well their storytellers. Campers just shouted out elements, ideas, random words sometimes, the storytellers wove them into entertaining narratives. Sometimes the hunters caught the bear... sometimes the bear ate the hunters... sometimes hunters changed into bears or bears into hunters... the stories were entertaining.
Some Brozians were confused by the stories, thinking that they were real. But mostly, only the storytellers took them seriously.
(Edited by Michael E. Marotta on 1/16, 10:24am)