Thanks for that. A funny and though-provoking site.
I thought this description of a developing relationship was hilarious:
1. Girl pressures guy for marriage. 2. Guy delays. 3. Girl gradually starts destroying guy's self-esteem and eliminating his friends. 4. Guy becomes too weak and too much of a loser to find something better than what he has. 5. Girl starts to limit sex. In effect controlling the only good thing in the guy's life. 6. Guy is in despair. Capitulates to marriage.
Men on this site do make valid points of criticism against a certain "type" of woman, but they do not offer any real solutions - apart from avoiding marriage and kids altogether or marrying foreigners. I think these guys are missing an opportunity.
I think a lot of their problems could be avoided through better communication. If they had really tried to communicate well with their partners before they got married, then they would have been able to find out straight away when or why their wives might withdraw sex or turn nasty. Then they could have then tried to work it out between themselves.
Of course that also requires open communication on the part of the wives too.
Those sorts of unhappy marriages seem to be perpetuated through stupidity and insincerity from both the men and women involved.