| | Mike (sorry to bud in, Rick),
====================== How can you talk about "rights" as a inherent property of human beings and also talk about their "purpose"? That almost sounds religious to me. ======================
Because things that are natural have purposes. Eric Mack gives an excellent depiction of this aspect of reality in his chapter of The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand -- talking about hearts.
Mack imagines aliens first becoming aware of hearts, not really knowing what they are or what they are for. To the aliens, hearts might be thought of as internal timing devices (because of the beats, like clicks of a clock), and then the ones the beat most steadily would be considered the best. Hearts might be judged by their look, their feel, etc. etc. The point of the matter is -- the answer that destroys the question of what a heart is -- is to find the purpose of the damn thing (that's when you, truly, know what a heart is). This answer ...
Hearts can't ever be understood -- without a prior understanding of cellular needs (the things that depend on hearts).
On this particular subject though, James Donald has a good web page showing how "natural" the individual rights are. An excerpt ...
====================== Natural law is, or follows from, an ESS [evolutionary stable strategy] for the use of force: Conduct which violates natural law is conduct such that, if a man were to use individual unorganized violence to prevent such conduct, or, in the absence of orderly society, use individual unorganized violence to punish such conduct, then such violence would not indicate that the person using such violence, (violence in accord with natural law) is a danger to a reasonable man. This definition is equivalent to the definition that comes from the game theory of iterated three or more player non zero sum games, applied to evolutionary theory. The idea of law, of actions being lawful or unlawful, has the emotional significance that it does have, because this ESS for the use of force is part of our nature. ======================
Source: http://jim.com/rights.html
(Edited by Ed Thompson on 2/11, 12:57pm)