| | Jon:
Getting back to *our* discuss on Rand and the 2nd Amend (posts #24-25), I can see why you'd consider her as seemingly 'dismissive' of it's importance. More-or-less, argument accepted.
However (you must've known THAT was coming), consider...
All said and done, she never commented (that I recall) on any 'amendment' (or, the very idea of their 'protocol' necessity) per se; she praised the whole idea of the Declaration and the Constitution, but never really went into any details re the worth of how the whole 'amendment' procedure was set up (nm having anything to say on the worth of Jefferson's 1st 10...which to me really makes the worth of the Const!).
Re the (moral OR legal) 'right' of gun-ownership, yes, she did specify an emphasis on the worthlessness of, in effect, some individual with a revolver (or 'semi'-handgun) up against, in effect, a Mad Max anarchy ("...if the government collapses bankrupt..."). However, in that type of situation, 'legal'-rights is an oxymoron. The term's then really meaningless.
O-t-other-h, in her saying this, nothing is really implied re WHILST the government is an effective body other than, her statement, granted, "I don't think this is very important."
Ntl, to iterate an earlier quote: Even though, "...the government ought to be the exclusive agent for the use of force under objective rules of law and justice," she did caveat with "...I would say, no, the government shouldn't control guns except in very marginal forms." [*my* emphasis] --- She may not have praised the 2nd amendment, but, 'dismissive'-sounding or not, I'd say she implicitly saw...if not explicitly argued...it's worth.
Interesting that her ("I have given it no thought at all...") attitude seems more bent around the concern about anarchy (talking with Rothbard too much, maybe?) rather than about Orwell's Big-Brother which we're all presently more aware of as a concern (maybe she saw the latter as automatically devolving into the former?). I'm sure she was aware of that alternative. Ah well...so much for speculation.
I'm keeping my Glock anyways.
P.S: Still haven't found those tapes. Hate it when that happens.