| | Hong,The same is here: feeding, educating and raising a child is parents' responsibility, not yours and mine. Agreed.Only when the child grown up to be an uneducated moron, an alcoholic, drug-addict, or an unproductive parasite of the society, then it becomes a burden for all of us. I only agree that a parasite of the society is a burden to society. An uneducated moron, an alcoholic, a drug-addict, and an unproductive person may all not necessarily be a burden to society.It is definitely in my own best interest to have a productive member of the society raised, especially when I am already paying for their education! You being forced to pay for their education does not justify using force to make sure parents educate their children.Only in the extreme cases that law steps in - when the children are obviously physically abused or even murdered. Agreed.If parents do not let their children to learn at least how to read and do simple math giving all opportunities, such intellectual starvation is almost as bad as physical starvation. Are you suggesting that the parents actually do something to prevent their children from learning? Such as teaching them a post-modern philosophy, rationalism, nihilism, or such as physically preventing them from learning, by locking them up with sensory and information depravation? I'd say that in some cases locking them up would be a crime, but teaching them a philosophy that is destructive to one's self is not a crime. I say "some cases locking them up would be a crime" because I do not consider forcing a child to go to their room or a corner after they initiated force as a crime, it is justice, it is use of retaliatory force to bring justice.
Thanks, Dean