| | Kurt:
I don't have a problem with movies like The Prestige that have a SiFi component so long as that element is solidly grounded within the plot-universe of the movie. And in this case, I find that it was very well done through the character of Tesla. I hesitate to comment further on this, not wanting to spoil the movie for those who have not seen it, but I didn't find this element of The Prestige any more fanciful and difficult to accept within the framework of the movie than I did a motor running on static electricity in Atlas Shrugged. In both cases there was at least the plausibility that everything could be explained through physics rather than just offering up a complex plot element as simple magic.
I think I understand where you are coming from in your comments. You approach a movie for a couple of hours with it building towards an expected conclusion and then find yourself knocked off the rails when a surprise twist turns everything on its head and veers in a totally different direction. I have experienced many movies where I was also greatly disappointed by this "trick" when I don't find it well done. In The Prestige, I was very satisfied that the groundwork to all the surprises has been sufficiently prepared for so that they maintained a strong plausibility within the movie's universe. However, at the end of the day, it is a very personal reaction to this sort of movie stunt. M. Night Shyamalan is famous for having these twist endings for his movies, and while I have enjoyed them and think he is a wonderful storyteller and movie director, many people are put off by this element of his work.
Now, compare The Prestige to The Illusionist, another movie with a very similar theme that came out at almost the same time. This movie relies much more heavily upon "real magic" with only the thinnest veneer of an attempt to attempt to "explain" how some of the illusions are accomplished. Nevertheless, I also enjoyed this movie for the overall story line and the performances by Paul Giamatti and Ed Norton. Have you seen it, and if so, what did you think?
Regards, -- Jeff