| | Steve, you seem to be forgetting that one of the sympathetic characters of "The Fountainhead" was, I seem to recall, implied to be an anarchist. In fact, I find it interesting that Objectivism itself is generally taken to be the real-world application of the principles of "Atlas Shrugged," stretched, however, to make any corporation, for example, regardless of how destructive, an avatar of Hank Rearden.
Forget the populist, anti-establishment strain of "The Fountainhead," with Roark hangin' with the guys from the construction crews. Forget Guy Francon and the whole shmeer of corrupt businessmen who conspired with Ellsworth Toohey to destroy any glimmer of heroism and real ability, to prove that everyone was at heart just as bad as they were. Or, even in AS, the Oren Boyles and Jim Taggart's, who clearly dominate the business scene as portrayed.
How did Objectivism get so far off track? To accept the position that so many "Objectivists" have regarding the anarcho-capitalist position, to wit, that its advocates are morally corrupt and intellectually out to lunch, requires denying the simple fact that many very smart people of apparent rationality and general good will hold this position. That's not a defense of anarchism, which I'm not attempting here. Rather, it is a call for civility and rational discussion. We are not going to move to either a strictly limited state, nor a draconian police state dictatorship, nor an anarcho-capitalist utopia anytime soon.
Thus, it does not make sense to take a position that might be appropriate to a call to arms at the ramparts. And, I am well aware that it was the anarcho-capitalists in many cases who were at least as guilty of stepping completely out of context, generally, I think, out of the need to make their lives more meaningful. We all need to resist the temptation to draw a complex universe with many greys and internal conflicts as a black and white Ditco cartoon, regardless of how much better it feels to just BELIEVE.
One of the problems that Objectivists have in trying to market their philosophy is that all to often, this Manichian fanaticism forms a cultural backdrop to their message, something that is unfortunately inherited from all the "Randroids" who have painted themselves and others by association into that corner. The essense of real Objectivism is its commitment to reason, to the primacy of existence and the possibility of real knowledge about a real, comprehenceable universe. Lets try to put disagreements over particular issues such as anarchy vs. limited governments into a perspective that doesn't make us look like religious nuts.
A few years ago, at one of the public seminars put on by ARI, Yaron was asked by an audience member about anarchy vs limited states, and his response was quite reasonable, paraphrased as "we're not close to either option. When we get down to a .1% state, then we can address the issue."