| | My my - go away for a bit to get DSL installed, and the world goes into a handbasket.... thanks, Jason, am glad someone had the brains to know I was not being 'primacy of consciousness' in what was said...
but - the position holds, if one thinks more on it instead of fantasizing 'new' senses... as humans, we are the only ones able to be aware of more than our immediate surroundings, and furthermore, alter it if need be...
further still, while immediate sensing of distant planets and galexies are beyond our eyes, without using 'new' senses, we develop extentions to enable us to 'see' those distances - that is, they are perceivable to us... if it exists, it is knowable - there is nothing within the universe which is not knowable, because measureability is an aspect of existing, and we possess the means of measuring... but that does not mean we can know it all at once... and by the obverse, if there is no means by which something can be known, then it does not exist...