
Rebirth of Reason

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Post 20

Thursday, November 8, 2012 - 6:41pmSanction this postReply
Dan, just a short note. You said that you are young and that's part of why you prefer a more pure libertarian approach. I can't argue with that it is exactly what I did. I was 25 when I cast my first vote for a Libertarian Party candidate, the first Libertarian presidential candidate: John Hospers in 1972.

Have fun. Time flies.

Post 21

Thursday, November 8, 2012 - 9:04pmSanction this postReply
I think its time for a third voting bloc- the Liberty bloc

Post 22

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 4:48amSanction this postReply
[deleted double-post]

(Edited by Ed Thompson on 11/09, 4:53am)

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Post 23

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 4:52amSanction this postReply
The theory about the political problem being demographics got ideological push-back from 2 talking heads yesterday: Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

Both men said the political problem isn't demographics, insinuating that the Republican Party doesn't need to try to be more inclusive (that we don't need "Big Tent" Republicans). Limbaugh provided the most details, referring to a piece by Heather MacDonald wherein she said Hispanics don't vote Democrat because of immigration policy, which is the default assumption.

Limbaugh's conclusion: Because of our welfare state, we are attracting immigrants who want a free lunch, and these immigrants naturally vote for the Free Lunch Party. He said you can't beat Santa Claus in an election, particularly so if what you are selling is the fact that you have to get off of your butt and become your own Santa Claus. Evidence cited included the fact that when we were less of a welfare state, we kept the best immigrants (people who could make it here on their own) and the worst immigrants went back to their homeland. Now, the situation is reversed, and it is really very hard for a successful person (e.g., say, an intelligent German physicist) to immigrate to this country legally.


Post 24

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 4:57amSanction this postReply
Sad day in hell when Canada is more capitalist, and has more civil liberties and generally speaking less problems than the land of the used to be free..

Post 25

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 6:45amSanction this postReply
Re:  Ed's Post #23 ...

Here's the Heather MacDonald piece:  http://www.nationalreview.com/blogs/print/332916

And here's Mark Levin's podcast from last night:  http://rope.zmle.fimc.net/player/player.html?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpodloc.andomedia.com%2FdloadTrack.mp3%3Fprm%3D2069xhttp%3A%2F%2Fpodfuse-dl.andomedia.com%2F800185%2Fpodfuse-origin.andomedia.com%2Fcitadel_origin%2Fpods%2Fmarklevin%2FLevin11082012.mp3

Move the slider to the 55-minute mark to hear Levin's interview with Heather MacDonald.

Post 26

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 8:37amSanction this postReply
The worst interpretation of the Left is that they are purposefully increasing the number of people disenfranchised -- in order to grow the Proletariat. What that would mean is that they are purposefully increasing the pain and suffering in the world.


Post 27

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 8:56amSanction this postReply
That is exactly what they are doing Ed.

Post 28

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 12:53pmSanction this postReply
apparently the Republican vote dropped 3% and the drop supposedly dwarfs the gain in minority votes. So the Republican non-participation cost Romney two to three times as many votes as Obama gained from new minority votes, even if every single additional minority voter voted for Obama.

Post 29

Friday, November 9, 2012 - 12:54pmSanction this postReply

That certainly is the worst interpretation. I often wonder how many people really think that way, either consciously or subconsciously. But as a whole, I think it's a little crazy to think that is true for most people (which I think includes even Obama). Basically, there are a rare number of Toohey's, and a bunch of sheep who think that emotional insight is good enough to justify their positions.

Post 30

Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 6:59amSanction this postReply



Rand said that if the country goes to hell, it will be the fault of the conservatives -- who will let go of altruism and therefore never successfully defend capitalism. For example, David Frum and David Brooks now say that we have to take a look at "income inequality." Question: Did any conservative before 1960 ever talk like that?

David Brooks partially redeems himself by adding that we have to look at entrepreneurship, and how it is advanced or thwarted among various collectives. But imagine a quota system for entrepreneurship. This takes "You didn't build that!" to a whole new level:
You didn't invent that!


I think it's a little crazy to think that is true for most people (which I think includes even Obama). Basically, there are a rare number of Toohey's, and a bunch of sheep who think that emotional insight is good enough to justify their positions.
Good analysis of liberalism wherein "emotional insight" -- the kind of thing appealed to in the nomination to the Supreme Court of Sonia Sotomayor -- is considered an epistemological "gold standard" trumping even evidence-based reasoning. Obama may merely be a speech-giver, as Michael Marotta says in another current thread, but I disagree with you that he's not on-board with the enterprise of playing the stock market of the human spirit, and selling short.* If he's not a Marxist, he's empty inside. There is no other way you could give those speeches. Rand told Phil Donahue that Jimmy Carter either had no ideas or no feelings (one or the other). While that was colloquial, I think she was pointing at something really true. Obama is like that (only worse).


*In The Fountainhead, Rand has Toohey say that he plays the stock market of the human spirit, adding that he sells short.

Post 31

Saturday, November 10, 2012 - 10:28amSanction this postReply
What has happened to the educational system over the last 5 decades.
Infiltration by what kind of "academics?
Fred had mentioned this many many times how the Ivy's are mandrels of thought that few escape unscathed.
How many kids are in highschool that cannot even read past a grade 4 level(hint:LOTS). How many of these young people that cannot even form basic syllogisms because of a low to nonexistant attention span?

Instant gratification of urges without thought to consequence are the norm for people who's bodies have developed but the mind has not.
Today's unthinking youth who swallow Obama platitudes hook line and sinker voted for him..
Btw notice the Black Panther future SS guards at the voting booths?
Yes there was indeed the race card that came in to play..

His ultimate victory was simply because there are now more takers than producers...America lost to those that produce nothing and want everything. Yes it was planned, he has his foot on the accelerator now like never before. If you doubt the depths of this man's hollow soul look no further then Benghazi..lol P4 did not order that stand down, who of higher authority could? Lol retiring over an affair? Give me a break, the man is leaving the CIA because he cannot stomach that he was forced to innaction and watched good sons die...imagine the feeling of that seal on theroof..targets painted with laser..and nothing came..not one jet...he served and died for...WHAT? So the boys now know that no one has their back...especially the president of the good ole ussa.
No it is farrrrr more important to appease a bunch of superstitious savages and blame it all on a dumb ass movie...

All evidence points to the obvious Obama is clearly not dumb, he is calculating and vicious.

At least bush was dumb as a sack of hammers, his mistakes were not malicious. Obama is a marxist, just look at his policies.
You must be willing to stare the devil in the face to recognize evil, turning a blind eye never does any good.

Sorry for all rypos ive been up 20 hours, off to bed.

Post 32

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 5:36amSanction this postReply
Jules Troy asks in Post 31:  "What has happened to the educational system over the last 5 decades[?]"

One voter's answer:  "I'm sure Siri would know if I ask her."

Actually, this was the answer to a different question posed by an interviewer talking to college students waiting to vote for Obama in Boston ... a city where only the Red Sox are more highly revered than 'higher education'.

Click the link for more:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhblsFPVRys

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Post 33

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 8:42amSanction this postReply
Ken, too funny. Not only that we are letting the device "think" for us, but about how the programmers of the device were probably already morally and politically "compromised." ...

Hey, Siri, what kind of life should I lead? And which version of politics is appropriate for mankind?

[Ed Thompson], I found these books for you:

1) Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx (and possibly also that Engels guy, too), 1848.
2) Ecologreatness: Why the survival of the South Pelleponesian inverted snail darter is more important than the survival of all of mankind., Peter Singer, 2013
3) Environmoral: How it is that the Earth's temperature will rise 50 degrees Celsius in the next 3 years (unless the Kyoto Protocol is adopted), Albert Gore, 1992
4) Why Capitalism Sucks: How 'producing wealth' is really just a euphemism for pillaging unsuspecting others who had made the conscious decision to trade value with you., Huffington Post Editorial Board, 2014
And the list goes on ...


(Edited by Ed Thompson on 11/11, 1:42pm)

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Post 34

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 9:03amSanction this postReply
I'm sorry, but I just can't stop yet ...

5) Heroes are losers: The warm comfort of unfettered security you will receive as soon as you "enlighten-up" and resign yourself to remaining middle-of-the-pack., Van Jones (avowed Communist and former White House Cabinet member), 2019
6) Naturesthetics: Why art should simply record real life as it is, because there is nothing to look forward to, anyway., Richard Rorty, post-humously published after rummaging through all of his unkempt junk and finding the manuscript
7) Mediatopia: How we are all much better off if the media shapes our opinions on various happenings and ongoings., Joint publication of the 6 media conglomerates that currently exist, 2021
8) Islamo-whah?: Accepting the Caliphate as manifest destiny -- the best possible way forward for mankind., Palestinio Arabicon, the 13th Imam (for realz), 2014

Alright, I think I've got it out of my system now.



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Post 35

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 11:23amSanction this postReply
But Ed, there's more...

9. "What I was taught by my Marxist college professors" *Subtitle* "And how it didn't lead to the collapse of America in 2016" Barack Obama (2012)

10. "Why it's in your best interest for me to forcibly take your money" *Subtitle* "And how I know what's in your best interest better than you do" Barack Obama (2012)

11. "How to prepare a delicious, nutritious meal from an old boot, coffee grounds, and linseed oil" Michelle Obama (2016)

12. "Why Women's Lib means having sex with every guy I meet" *Subtitle* "And why not paying for my birth control is a declaration of war" Sandra Fluke (2013)

13. "Egalitarianism: No Freedom till we're equal" *Subtitle* "And what to do with the accumulated corpses" The New York Times (2017)

I could go on but I better stop here... See what you've started Ed.

Post 36

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 1:41pmSanction this postReply
Oh geez-leweez, those ones were some real doozies, Kyle!

An old boot? A declaration of war? And what to do with the accumulated corpses?


Seriously, you should become a writer for a comedy TV show (e.g. SNL) or something. Good stuff.


p.s. I won't complain if you add a few more here ...

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Post 37

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 9:43pmSanction this postReply

p.s. I won't complain if you add a few more here ...

Brother, you asked for it! - Francisco Domingo Carlos Andres Sebastian d'Aconia

14. How Do You Know You Know? Ankle Manumit (1781)

15. Eat Your Vegetables - Or Else Michelle Obama (2012)

16. How digging a hole in your back yard adds to the GDP Paul Krugman (1985)

17. Ted Bundy, Mao Zedong, Adolf Hitler Weren't Evil *Subtitle* They Were Just Different Armorial Vittles (1990)

18. Charlotte, You Didn't Build That Web Michelle Obama (2012)

19. Why That Tree Has Rights Sierra Club (2012)

20. Why We Should Bow To Our Leafy Overlords Sierra Club (2016)

21. Why "Pet" is Demeaning *Subtitle* Call our Furry Friends: Animal Companions Academia (2010)

22. Nothing Makes Me Feel More Secure Than a Boot on My Face The Collective (2012)
23. Those Little Water Droplets That Fall From the Sky is the White Man Keeping us Down Rev. Jeremiah Wright (2012)

24. Freedom is for Old, Dead, White Guys *Subtitle* Get with the Program! Average State College Student (2012)
25. Don't Bite Into that Cheeseburger! *Subtitle* It might be a Brick! William James (1907)

26. Why Running Head First into a Brick Wall is a Good Idea Martin Heidegger (1935)

27. Why there is no such thing as a Good Idea Martin Heidegger (1945)

28. Why there is no such thing as no such thing Martin Heidegger (1989) Published Posthumously

29. How my Kenyan Son became President of the United States Karl Marx's undead corpse (2008)

Meh, hit and miss, I warned ye though.

Post 38

Sunday, November 11, 2012 - 9:50pmSanction this postReply
30: Hey little apple where are you rolling? (subtitle) All the way to America. Gramski

Post 39

Monday, November 12, 2012 - 3:14pmSanction this postReply
Good stuff!


p.s. Many brought me a good chuckle, but those 3 books written by Heidegger made me burst out laughing.


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