| | What I am describing is not even a secret program; you can look up "Lockheed Martin Audacity Program" in the open lit.
In fact, here.
Take a look at the second page of the brochure. That is St. Alban's Roundabout in Farnborough, UK.
compare with
Indeed; who put the 'city' in Audacity?
The image was taken not with a giant Global Hawk drone, but with a tiny, silent Draganfly
The preferred drone for US domestic drone flights. (I guess it's time to once again snicker about 'black helicopters'...)
Three years ago, I worked on a project for LMCO as a contractor on this program; the system objectified all vehicles in the FOV on roads and highways and maintained a breadcrumb history in a massive networked database behind; every example was from US or UK domestic cities. The idea was to have an event pre-trigger system; if a vehicle was involved in an incident, it would be possible to roll back in time through the database and determine where the vehicle came from. Big Brother enough yet? Hey, that data could never be abused, right?
A fleet of these inexpensive 'drones' would blanket a metropolitan area 24/7/365.
These inexpensive drones also provided real time full motion video, which was projected into a 3D virtual world that integrated the feeds from all in 'theater' resources, but the 'theater' was not Iraq or Afghanistan, as I had been originally told, but US metropolitan areas.
The development effort included a push to make these full motion video re-projection work(register into a 3D virtual world) all the way down to a floor of 10 feet off the ground. (Why?)
Government funded projects are filled with folks filling rooms dreaming this shit up; and what I just described is an example of a non-top secret project.
Do we wake up everyday having the slightest idea what our own taxdollars are used for? Does anybody, even the elected POTUS? It is like an organic thing that feeds itself and goes where it can, not where it may.
It's not that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing; the left hand doesn't even know there is a right hand, and vice versa, and both hands are grabbing for all they can grab.
Only...there are millions of hands.
We there yet?