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Let's take it from the top... You can work on your own car, if you want to. The computerized stuff is still "backyard" if you want to invest in the technology -- and there are work-arounds if you do not... and, honestly, if you cannot stand to let the car just go 100,000 or life without getting a tune-up, well, face it, you are a car guy and deserve the electronic readers. (Michael Marotta) This is an excellent point, Michael. I hadn't realized how much what I'd said sounded so much like the whinings of laborers who only knew how to do one thing, one way, and then fought relentlessly against technological change in their industry (advancement, in other words.) If you truly want to work on your computerized car, you can acquire the tools necessary to do it. As you pointed out so well,
What's that worth? (M. Marotta)
Indeed, the question that defines us all.
Of course, it also works well to adress (what appears to be your criticism of Bill Gates and Microsoft...)
The Mac is better than the PC because the creators of the Mac built the machine they wanted, whereas the PC was built for other people who did not know what they wanted or why they would. (Michael Marotta) Which, of course, is why the Mac is only used by the 5% of the world's population who actually knows enough to know what they want, assuming, of course, that what they want is what the Mac builders want as well.)
I don't believe anyone (save maybe Bill Gates himself, for obvious reasons) has ever argued against the advantages the Mac may have over the PC...but Bill Gates wins the very capitalist, "How can I provide a product that MOST people can/will use?" competition here. As you said,
Like the automobile the Intel 80xx(x)-based computer is exactly what "most" people said they wanted. So the successful provider met the market demands. (M. Marotta) I have to respect people who can, and do, provide a fairly easy to use product for all the busy CEOs, doctors, lawyers, etc. who haven't the time to devote to learning so much about the computer that they specifically 1) "know what they want" and 2) "know (through ESP, I guess) that what they want is what the Mac builders want, too" (just reading your quote literally.)
Psst...here's a secret Bill Gates doesn't want...no, I mean CARE, that you know...the Linux operating systems are AWESOME (not to mention free, or very low cost)...the advantages of using open source software are amazing...and boundless...if you're a COMPUTER GEEK. (Or like me, a budding one.) Open source IS ALL ABOUT building what YOU WANT. If you have the aptitude, knowledge and time, you can build whatever you want to suit the Linux system you are using. (Frankly, if I required such specific programming, I wouldn't have any interest in the machine that Mac creators wanted, I would only want the machine that reflected what I wanted. Linux all the way!)
I have never had a problem recognizing the value of both open source, and Gates' (highly propietary) Windows software. I don't even have any particular issue with the Mac, either...(except for the "we're so special; if you buy our computers, you'll be special, too!" attitude; just look at their obnoxious commercials.) There is truly room for everyone; Bill Gates was just smart enough to realize (first, apparently) that to make the most money, as a capitalist, he should provide software any computer illiterate person can use and enjoy. (Oh, and yes, I understand that Macs are user-friendly, too...but clearly Bill Gates got the SERIOUS jump on Steve Jobs in impressing the world. Sorry, I just can't disrespect him for that.)
I have two computers; one runs a Linux operating system (Mandriva), and the other, Windows XP. I love them both. For different reasons. End of story.
The PC did not come from government, per se, but from govern-mentality, the mindset of the secondhander, the IBM corporation mentality of the pyramidic organization addressing the needs of other pyramids and denying power to individuals -- denying even that a demand for such power existed. (M. Marotta) I like to think that the PC came from a capitalistic mind who understood how to develop a product most would prefer to use. Of course, wonderful world that we live in, we can choose to not use PCs or any software Bill Gates produces, and still get by just fine...and get the added bonus of feeling special about it too, if that is what our psychology requires.
I just LOVE capitalism and the freedom to choose. Don't you?