| | Byron,
With regard to lesbian couples raising children, while I do not necessarily buy into the notion of population control, I DO very much buy into what I call the "humanization rate": (the rate at which children are born) divided by (the rate at which they are being taught logic and objective reasoning).
Ideally, the quotient for this number should be one or lower. When it's one or higher, what you have is a growing population of malignant savages out there wreaking sheer havok, and grunting out wet, screaming babies as if they were Pez. And then these babies do the same thing, and you get the idea.
And I think that the sociological record clearly shows that a society of fully humanized people does not become the psychopathic kudzu that we so often see in the world today.
I suppose then, in a sense, that I DO support population control, but only through what is typically a nontraditional means: humanization.
And so, if lesbian couples want to raise children instead of having children of their own, I think that two birds are killed with one stone, here... and therefore, I support it from a rationally strategic standpoint alone. What other standpoint is there, really?
(Edited by Danny Silvera on 2/08, 9:41pm)