| | I haven't seen anything completely "trollish" yet....maybe I just haven't been here long enough. I don't think that disagreement necessarily makes one a troll, though. If it did, I be forced to think I was living in a world of trolls! Ugh! No thanks!
Trolls, to me, live in their own heads, expecting others to completely agree with them, or risk dismissal as garbage if you don't. They're overtly sensitive, and read into things that just don't exist. They'll point and accuse, rather than discuss or even ask! That's a troll to me.
I look at it this way, disagreement is an opportunity to forward one's cause. The best argument wins. I've witnessed this happening many times, and I know it works. Using disagreement as an opportunity to ridicule or disparage (or worse, "kick them out") rather than persuade is a complete waste of time, not to mention what I think is a dishonest and infantile approach to disagreement. Ridicule, disparagement, and banishment are all an adversary will remember, taking away nothing that will make them think twice about the issues. Trolls think persuasion is a waste of time, that battles aren't won by spending time trying to make converts. I think that's exactly how their won.
Christianity hasn't stayed around for as long as it has by being "trollish" and alienating perspective converts with ridicule.
Now I know what some of the potential trolls here are thinking: "She thinks we should turn this into some kind of missionary movement! She thinks we should sacrifice our time to others!"
No, what I'm saying is this: will you continue to stay safe in your own mind by preaching to the choir, openly or secretly scorning differences of mind, or are you willing to expand encounters of disagreement (which will always occur, no getting around it if you want to live in this world as more than a hermit) into exchanges that can possibly open a whole new way of thinking and living to someone with which you disagree? It's a choice. A mature choice at that.
Objectivism is extremely new to the realm of ideas. If one claimed to care about it, I should also think one would seek ways to expand it, and disagreements are one opportunity to do just that. However, I'm not telling anyone to attempt a rational exchange with a borderline mental patient. Fortunately, I don't think the world is full of those, only trolls do.
Best to all the "salesmen" out there today. You've won my respect.